Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"You do realize that I'm putting my neck out here for you, right Charlie?" says the sergeant with some visible apprehension. That deep groove between her brows tells me she's super stressed.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied knowingly.

To be fair, if it were up to me, I wouldn't risk putting a rookie on such a high-profile case while the whole nation has their eyes glued to their iPhones for updates. But then again, did they have a choice?

With kids so immersed in crime these days, the only way to solve this thing, was to be one. That is a teen. It just so happens that I fit that bill to a tee; six-one, lanky, a baby face that only a mother was obligated to love. In other words, invisible just enough to meld into the hallways of a high school that's trying to return to normalcy after such a gruesome murder.

Furthermore, luck would have it that I graduated top of my class. Thereafter brown-nosed Sarge until I had her in the palm of my hand.

"How come you want this so bad, Charlie?" says Sarge, adding, "I can ask that, right?" She's doing that thing she does with her eyes, all wide and such, when she's trying to remind herself that she's my boss and not my mom. She needs one last solid push, I think to myself.

"Well, Sarge, firstly, I am a member of this community. As a rookie, getting this assignment would give me a real boost to setting my career on the right path in this department. Secondly, I have my father, but... I rarely see him these days." I say and then pause. I speak with as much emotion as I can muster. "To be honest, I really don't have much else going on in my life. I could tell you that this is my passion, but that would be a flat-out lie." I stop to sneak a look at her and then brush up the back of my head. "I just need something to bide my time. You know, keep me busy." I say with a shrug. "What better than this?"

My words disarm Sarge, as they should have. I knew she was going to ask this, which is why I prepared. I always come prepared. I could now tell Evelyn knew I had just rolled over for her. I was basically begging for a belly rub...and she took the bait. It makes me grin inside.

She clears her throat. "I see," she says as she starts to readjust her nameplate. "Evelyn Wood" is engraved on a sleek metal plate that screams authority, something she seems to need. I catch myself before my thoughts go wayward. Watch it, boy, I warn myself in my head.

"I haven't ever doubted you, Charlie," she replies, now piercing my eyes with hers. "That means you can't disappoint me. I will not allow another screw-up from you, newbies. Hear me?"

"I wish I could do more than just promise you, Sarge," I reply, giving her all the sweet talk she needs.

"Just remember, we've got you covered while you're undercover. We've got the best team of officers looking out for you on the sidelines. With that being said, I can't stress further the gravity of solving this case, but also that you come back to us safely," she says without emotion. Oh, how comforting to hear.

I feel a sense of relief run down my spine as my shoulders ease.

She continues to explain. "As you are well aware by now, with that baby face of yours, you'll be going undercover as a new transfer student. From now on, you've got a pretty bad rap sheet, in and out of juvie, yadda yadda yadda," she says and then adds, "you get the gist."

I nod my head in understanding.

"We've already got a few key target suspects in line. You'll be briefed later on them, but the first job is to infiltrate and gain their from the inside out. You're gonna have to think up something creative to achieve this."

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