Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Teddy," I called out.

"Yo," he replied.

"Come over here, man!" I hissed back, waving my arms, signaling him to come over in my direction.

Me and Teddy were hiding behind a bush, trying not to be seen by the school supervisor strolling around the gravel field behind the school. I had the idea to go visit the murder scene earlier today and realized it would be a better idea to take Teddy with me, in case I could get any valuable information out of it since Teddy knew all the in's and out's of the area due to his popularity.

I had thought we were going to get caught because of Teddy. Since he was so tall, his head would poke up from the bushes, and his curly hair wasn't helping either. Eventually, I could see the familiar trees covering all sides, surrounding us, making us completely safe. I could notice the ripped-up yellow caution tape scattered all around the leaves on the crime scene that was closed down a few weeks ago. It was a large patch of empty dirt, maybe around fifteen to twenty feet wide, surrounded by tall, healthy trees, which made it perfect for someone to get away with murder. Especially a silent one with no firepower involved. I recall being able to see the same exact tall trees I was standing right next to from sitting on the bench my mother had shown me as a child. The bench was where I was able to peacefully think and plan things out.

"Damn, that's crazy; someone really lost their life right here," Teddy said quietly, "How do you think it happened?" he asked with an interested smile. It wasn't like I didn't know the answer to that question, so I decided to tell him precisely what the news had been telling the whole nation.

"I mean, I bet the dude just got rushed, right? I bet he was lured in though – cause, ain't no way someone was just following someone inside of a whole forest without some good ass lies," I explained confidently, "and the dude got stabbed four times! Must've been some bloody scene."

"Yeah, sounds about right, I guess," he replied. I could tell he was really listening to what I was telling him, revealing the interest he had in stuff like this. "You know, the murderers are still in there, right?" he asked while pointing in the direction of the school.

I raise my eyebrows at him, opening my eyes to the fullest they could be. There was no chance I could compromise this mission whatsoever, so I had to pull off every move without any slip-ups, and showing any kind of defects in my acting to these clever students could eventually cost the whole investigation to be wasted. Thinking about how the investigation could fail, I laughed inside, thinking, "I might really have to get rid of Sarge then,"

"No way! How?" I replied in shock, "The school just can't do anything about it. Is that it?" I asked, still acting well enough to move to Hollywood.

"No, I guess," he replied, shrugging his shoulders, "there isn't any trail that the police or the citizens of New York could follow. It was like the killer knew how to get away with this – like he knew the ins and outs of the spot, observing it in his free time, I guess. Or that's what the principal said in the assembly at least,"

"Damn, that's crazy, man," I said. After pausing for a long time, I decided to ask Teddy himself how he thought the whole scene went down. "How do you think it happened though? I wanna know." I asked, forming an innocent smirk.

"Honestly, the same way you explained it – I mean, there wasn't much to it, I guess, just the dude was stabbed like four times in the chest," he says, making a weird motion with his body, showing how grossed out he was by the idea of it. "Think about the blood puddle that's probably now sunk into the dirt we're standing on right now, I bet the puddle was a decent size too."

"It had to be huge – I could almost see how it could've looked," I said as I stared at the empty dirt patch. 

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