Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As I nearly finish lifting the hamburger onto the bun, the fire alarm goes off. I was so caught up in my thoughts, I had utterly forgotten to switch the fan on. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about how I could complete this flawlessly. I was obsessed. I placed myself on the tan leather recliner, staring off into the buildings outside my balcony windows. February was just around the corner, which meant the bitter weather was slowly departing. Unlike most people, I actually enjoyed this season due to what brainwashed people would call the wrong reasons. Sure, going out with your friends on a blazing day could fulfill your inner cravings, but how fun could it really be? It didn't necessarily mean someone couldn't be happy when it was cold outside. Perhaps, I just didn't have the friends for it, which I didn't have an issue with. Most people would never admit it, but I knew I wasn't completely normal. Not necessarily insane, but I couldn't seem to treat people right. Almost like I didn't have much compassion for them.

I took the last bite of my burger and immediately got up to put on some clothes. I would typically change into a uniform, but I was going undercover now. Today was the beginning point of what I had been anticipating for some time now.

The foyers of the building have a sense of comfort today. It's pretty clean today, which meant the second-floor resident had come down and cleaned it again. Besides that fact, I felt lively.

As I push open the gate, I nod my head at two older men to test if they would recognize my face. I wasn't sure what teenagers were into these days, but I had a slight idea since I would see so many of them in the foyer of my building. If I could see myself through another person's eyes, I would see a high school senior that's most likely reclassified due to failing their classes.

They both give me a suspicious look,

Damn it, I thought.

I had hoped Sarge would be satisfied, not because I was afraid of her, but because I wanted to keep my head straight for my own good.

Before I realized it, I had almost arrived at the station. The case had to be covered to begin, meaning I had to really know everything before going in. It was a mandatory procedure. Every time I was a part of something people called "classified," I would feel proud. Not only that, but it allowed me to feel like I was a part of something important. One of the few things I genuinely enjoyed.

I could see fellow officers through the clean window panel that covered most of the doors. Most buildings in the neighborhood were kept untouched, making it rare to see clear, untouched windows like the ones in the central part of the city. I feel a bit nervous as I slowly push open the door, and the warm air inside the building brings me instant comfort.

"Charlie, follow me," said Sarge, making me snap my head back to find her.

"Hey, Sarge, good to see you," I say, trying to catch up with her fast walking. The jeans I had on were not helping either.

"Yeah, and I could barely recognize you," she says, scanning me up and down with a smirk on her face. I was thrilled she was pleased with my outfit.

As we both enter her office, she directs me to take a seat, throwing a file on the desk.


"I hope you're not tired today, because this is not a joke anymore. We have work to do." she declared.

She continued to state how everything was classified, laying out the entire plan for the arrest. She thoroughly illustrates the school and the critical points of the mission, snapping back and forth with her hands. Her body movement told me she was more nervous than I had thought she was.

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