Chapter 28 - Luther//La Verdad Sale

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Ava was back and I could breathe again. But oh, how I desperately wanted to gut that boy. Not only because I hadn't killed anyone in over two weeks, but also that I wanted some revenge. He had not only nearly killed me, but there was no doubt that he had ravished Ava as well.

My girlfriend.

I sat next to Ava on our way back to Taco's lair. She was shaking as I stared at her. Gomez drove full speed ahead, focused solely on the cracked road in front of us.

"Remind me," I spoke. "Why are we going to Taco's again?"

"I need to speak with him."

"And I need to free the women that he has there," Ava said softly. I turned my head to her. She looked away, out the window. She was so alluring.

"What's the plan?" I asked Gomez.

"No plan, just attack," Gomez replied. "We took out his two main henchmen. He's not going to have much immediate backup." He turned a corner and parked across the street. "He'll definitely be caught off guard. He's not used to failing."

I nodded. "What do you want me to do?"

He looked at me in the rearview mirror. "You have a knife. You're a serial killer. Something tells me that you'll think of something."

I rolled my eyes. Just because I was used to killing people doesn't mean that I went on sprees, or massacres. I simply enjoyed the thrill of a good chase and squeezing the life out of helpless people. This was something completely different.

Gomez opened the car door and got out. "Join me when you're ready, Lex." He walked up to the house and began to scope it out, his gun in hand. I turned to Ava.

"Stay in the car. I'll get the girls trapped in there."

I turned to open my door. "Luther," she whispered.

I turned my head. "What is it?"

"Just...don't die or anything."

I lifted a brow. "Since when did you care if I lived or-" I was interrupted by an abrupt kiss to the lips. Pleasantly surprised, I let out a small gasp and closed my eyes. She quickly pulled away.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be," I muttered as I got out of the car and shut the door. I walked up to Gomez. "Let's go."

We furtively snuck into the old, large house. A few men were patrolling the hallways, but none that we couldn't slip past. The house was very dark, and easy to hide in.

From down a hallway, I heard several voices, none of which sounded like men. With my head, I gestured to Gomez that that was where we needed to go. He nodded, and we walked together down the hall to the room. I opened it slowly and walked inside. The women inside all gasped when they saw us.

"It's okay, we're here to help you," Gomez assured. They started to gather at the door. A blonde girl walked up to us.

"Are you Luther and Gomez?" she asked.

Gomez and I exchanged a glance. "We are..." Gomez answered. "Did Ava tell you about us?"

She nodded. "Are you going to free us?"

"Yes, we are," I answered. "But I believe we have some business to tend to first."

Gomez nodded. "Don't worry, señoras, we'll be back to get you soon."

They looked at each other, perplexed and confused. Gomez and I left the room and gently closed the door behind us. We heard men approaching from down the hallway. Gomez nodded at me.

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