Chapter 20 - Luther//Twisted

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I laid there with my mouth agape. My eyes shifted around. I had never been caught before, especially not by Gomez. He typically stays out of my business. How did he even know I was here? Well...where else would I have gone?

"Gomez," I choked out, slowly getting over the shock.

"Luther," he seethed, his lips pursed so tight that they turned white.

"Gomez!" Ava cried.

Gomez sprung into action, grabbing a towel off of the rack and throwing me off of her. He draped the towel around Ava, who then stood up. She immediately began to cry. Gomez turned towards me, his green eyes crackling, and pushed me out into the hallway.

"I told you to STAY AWAY FROM HER!" he screamed.

"I'll do whatever the hell I want!" I screamed back. "You don't own me, Gomez, and I am almost an adult. I can think for myself!"

He shoved me up against a wall. "No, you can't, you idiot! Don't you get it? YOU CAN'T!"


"Shut the fuck up, Luther! For once, just shut the FUCK up!" My eyes wide and brows furrowed, I stared at him. "You are clinically insane, man! What would happen if someone caught you doing that? Hm? You would go to prison as a minor, without ANY guardians to refer to. Then who would they go to? ME! And as a result, the entire drug system in this town would go to shit! So PLEASE just STOP!"

So that's what this was all about. Gomez didn't actually care about me, or Ava. He just wanted to make sure that his system didn't get busted. I can understand that. But still, it angered me.

"Wait," Ava spoke in a quiet voice, stepping out of the shower. My gaze softened as I looked at her. "Luther, you don't have any parents?"

Gomez stared at me. "She doesn't know?" he asked. I, in turn, stared at him. "She doesn't know." Gomez turned to Ava. "They committed suicide," he explained. "Or at least, that's what he says."

"I killed them."

Gomez whipped around and looked at me, as did Ava.

"What?" Ava whispered.

"I. Killed. Them."

Her eyes widened, but not nearly as big as Gomez's.

"I knew it."

Ava's breathing suddenly became heavier and she finally burst out running, starting down the stairs.

"Stop her!" Gomez shouted. He ran after her as I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. I followed after him.

She had made it to the dining room and was reaching for her phone. "No!" Gomez shouted. She looked behind her shoulder and let out a shriek as she started to dash again. I ran the opposite way, noticing that the house went in a circular form. I caught her in my arms as she accidentally ran into me. She struggled, but I did not relent.

Gomez walked up and took the cell phone out of her hands.

"What do you want from me?" she screamed.

"Put a hand over her mouth!" Gomez instructed. I did so with pleasure as she continued to try and wiggle free from my grasp. He looked around and found a large roll of duct tape as well as a large, plastic bin that Ava and her mother had used for the move.

Gomez put a strip of tape over her mouth as well as around her wrists and ankles. "Luther," he said in a hushed tone. "Go grab some of her clothes." I nodded and started off. "And grab your own clothes, I don't want to see your white boy cock!"

I rolled my eyes as I slipped my own clothes back on. I walked into Ava's room and raided her drawers, finding things that I, ahem, she might need later. My eyes led me to her underwear drawer. I found a few lacy things for her to wear. I stuffed them into a plastic bag, as well as other clothes and her hairbrush. I ran back downstairs.

Gomez had managed to shove Ava into the box and duct tape the lid shut. She was thrashing around wildly from the inside, but you wouldn't be able to tell from a distance.

"Grab an end," Gomez demanded. I did as instructed and grabbed one end of the bin as Gomez lifted the other. We walked outside into the dark rain.

There weren't any more cops at my house, but I was certain that there were scouts out somewhere. Fortunately, the only other car that I saw on the street was Gomez's.

We loaded Ava into the trunk of his jalopy and got in ourselves as quickly as possible. Gomez put his head down to the steering wheel as he started the car.

"Oooohhhh man," he whispered as he began muttering curses in spanish.


"I've never kidnapped anyone before."

"You haven't?" I scoffed.

"SSSHH!" he snapped. He looked behind him as he pulled away from the curb. "Make sure that no body is following us."

I looked in the rear view mirror as Gomez drove the car. As far as I could tell, nobody was following us. We made it back to Gomez's house. Gomez spent about 10 minutes telling me how much gravity this situation had. Finally, we took Ava out of the trunk. She wasn't struggling anymore.

We walked inside of the house and set her down in the middle of the living room. Gomez closed the blinds and locked the door. His front door and the windows had about a million locks on them, no one would ever get in easily.

"Take her to the basement," he said.

The two of us lifted up the bin again and walked down into the basement with caution. We set it down in the middle of the cold floor.

"Now what?" I asked. Gomez pointed a finger at me.

"Do not let her leave." He handed me something cold and shiny. "This is the key to the basement. There is no other way out, except for that small window, which no one can get through. Make sure she stays here." He started walking out of the basement. "And make her comfortable, at least."

"You're just leaving me alone with her?" I questioned. It was almost too good to be true.

"I hate it, but yes. I don't know how long I'm going to have her as an abductee, but as long as she's out of reach of the rest of the world, I could care less what you do to her."

He began walking up the staircase. "And where are you going?" I asked.

"I told you," he reminded. "I have errands to run." With that, he ran up the stairs and left the house, leaving me with Ava, who was trapped in the bin.

I shut the door to the basement and slowly, cautiously, approached the blue, plastic bin. I began ripping the duct tape off of the sides of the lid, and I carefully lifted it off. My eyes widened.

Ava wasn't inside of it.


Ooohhhhhhh what could it be?!?! Where is Ava?!?!?!

It's in the mystery/thriller category for a reason.

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