Lance Stroll

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Before you read this may include some rough scenes so skip if you do t like it!


It's been a couple weeks since so went to one of Lance's races I've always told him that I'm busy but in reality I'm not I'm staying in my apartment drinking the pain away.

The pain you may ask, yeah Lance and I recently made our relationship public and if I'm going to be honest I regret doing that but haven't got the guts to tell him my pain.

The pain these people on social media is saying about me, I'm not normally the person to read those comments or tweets.

But I grow up not like Lance with all his money I was quite the opposite I grow up with my mum on two jobs not seeing her that much.

Somehow they found out which I don't know how they did, but then I heard someone bang on my door it was around 6pm.

"Stop banging I'm coming!!" I shouted as I opened the door and saw Chloe and Scotty standing there.

"What you two doing here?" I asked them confused, trying to hide my messy apartment.

"Came to check up on you" Chloe said to me.

"Thank you two really appreciate that but I'm fine" I said to them while smiling.

"y/n no your not you haven't messaged anyone in 2 weeks lance is worried" Scotty told me.

"I've been busy" I said trying not to cry.

"We've seen the comments y/n" Chloe told me, when she said that I just cried.

I walked over to my sofa or tried to with all the stuff on the floor, I poured another glass of wine.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked them.

"Your mum told us, look y/n we want to help you" Chloe said to me.

I looked at them both who had the look that they wanted to help me, "Lance is on his way he just finished his race so he's coming straight home" they said to me.

I looked up at them, "he can't he can't see me like this Chloe" I told her.

"He will be here in 2-3 hours so if you let us help you tidy up and clean yourself up before he gets here" she told me, I didn't say anything and just ran over to the cupboard.

I was looking through everything, "I don't know how I'm going to tell him" I said to them while my breath got out of control.

"Tell him what?" Scotty asked me as I fell to the floor, Chloe knelt down beside me.

"I lost his baby" I said while crying, "he's going to hate me" I added on.

"y/n you need to listen to me he's not going to hate you okay" she told me.

"Chloe he will once I told him he was happy and now he's coming back to the baby gone" I told them.

"Okay why don't we get you shower and dressed and Scotty will start to clean up" she said help me up.

"No you sure" I asked them, "y/n I'm sure we want to help Chloe will help you get watched and I'll clean up" he told me.

I walked into Lance and I bathroom, "Chloe I'm scared" I said to her.

"Why's that's?" She asked me while she past me a bikini so I'm not completely undressed.

"How he will react I haven't told him" I told her.

"y/n babe I know your scared to tell him but I know he would be devastated but he would want you to be okay" she told me, I just nodded to her

After Scotty tidied up the place why stayed with me until Lance got back I was so nervous that I could cry again to tell him, but then I heard the door open.

I looked over and it was Lance standing there without hesitation I walked over started to cry and hugged him.

I finally felt safe for the first time in a few weeks being in the arms of the person that means the world to me.

"I'm really sorry babe" I said while crying to him, "hey y/n everything is fine I'm here now" he told me
as he rested his chin on the top of my head and was rubbing my back.

"No Lance I lost that baby" I told him as I bursted out crying, he lifted chin and placed both of his hands on my cheeks and started to wipe my tears.

"But your okay that's all that matters to me right now even though I was excited you are my mean priority now" he said to me.


Make sure you go read my new story Secrets | Carlos Sainz

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Secrets | Carlos Sainz

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