Chapter 24 : Lies behind those smiles

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This Chapter contains strong language, Violence , Mentions of self harm, suicide that may not be suitable for all audience.

So Hyun's Pov

From Kyungsoo ❤️ :

My pretty So hyun, where are you?

Are you coming to class today?

Karina is looking for you..

Are you sick?.. I'm worried about you, please reply..

I'll wait for you at lunch under the big tree...

I miss you already..

Its been two days, are you okay?
Please reply to me..

I miss you too ..

I stared blankly at his text, and didn't know what to reply. Karina keeps on sending me a lot of text messages too.

They're missing me too much.

This isn't the first time that I haven't been to school tho. I shook my head sideways and let out a soft chuckle. What would I do without you guys.. Thank you for always keeping my spirits up..

I didn't notice the tears flowing down my cheeks. The warmth of it makes me feel calm. I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly, then let out everything in my chest, all the sadness, stupidity, hate and rage that I was feeling inside me. My ugly cry fills the empty room with all the pain that I'm feeling inside. After some time of sobbing and crying, I lay my head on the edge of my bed and tiredly gazed at the mirror in front of my door. I can see my reflection blurry, my poor helpless self. My swollen eyes looking directly at my emotionless self, slowly breathing gasping for air.. My small body is now full of fresh bruises.. I slowly hugged my knees, feeling so small.. I look miserable, completely look horrible, horrendous..

Thi- This isn't me ... I - I don't look like this..

Tears start to flow again like they have their own mind that wants to get out of me until there's no more left..

I feel so drained, I feel so tired, I - I don't want to feel this pain, I don't want to feel anything anymore..

I'm so fuckin helpless..

I tried to stand up and walked wearily to get the pain killer medicine inside my bag. I was startled to hear Kyungsoo's voice as I slowly poured the pills into my palm.

"So Hyun are you there?" I could hear his shaking voice calling outside. "Are you okay?" He shouted once again.

Everything began to move slowly. The pain killer medicine slowly slipped on my palm and scattered on the floor. I stumbled and slowly sat, hugging myself as I listened to his concerned, shaky voice.

I'm sorry, Kyungsoo. I don't want you to see me like this..

The night after they went to the coffee shop.




I cried out, begging for Jieon to stop slapping me and kicking my tired body and lying on the floor.

Kick her more!! Her two friends laughing and mocking me while she kept on torturing me..

"FUCK YOU SO HYUN!" She shouted as she kicked my torso. I cant help but cover my body with my bare arms waiting for help as I watched her maniac face kick me more.

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