Chapter 23: Reunion

Start from the beginning

Turning his head, Walter notices Pikka and Cubo looking throughout the crowd, searching for their father, not knowing that he was there. Once the two of them caught sight of him, both little kids rush over to Walter, happy tears in their eyes as they jump into his arms while laughing happily together. This action catches the attention of the royal children in which causes them to see Cole, and Tabitha watching them from the cavern cave entrance.

All seven of them race to their parents, fully crying out of sheer relief to finally see one another again. Tabitha kissed all of her baby girls while Cole held onto his boys tightly, well most of them. Max was still being held hostage with Lee alongside him. However, the two vampire leaders just wanted to soak up every good second that life was giving them at that very moment. Tabitha takes notice of Dollop's new scar and gasp in horror, soon realizing that all of them now look different.

"Oh, my goodness, my poor babies." Tabitha frowns, cupping Dollop's chin in her hand while stroking his short, fuzzy hair. His bear ears returning back to their natural place on top his head. "What did they do to you? How did you escape?"

"It was all because of this guy." Ryker tells his mom with a snarky grin on his face while patting his younger brother's shoulder. "We were forced to cut our hair and conform to their perfect lifestyle, or else we would be punished. Dollop stood up to Tigrclaw, the headmaster running the correction center, and I think he almost shit his pants when Dollop stood up to him." He admits with a small laugh prior to seeing his mother's disapproving face when swearing. "Anyway, Dollop was so cool back there, leading us into battle and protecting all the little kids that needed help, but you should have seen Loki; man, that kid was just like his father!" The eldest price then began to explain the Dragon Prince's behavior which shocked the couple as soon as they heard it.

"Oh my god, he really did all of that?" Cole gasp with a slight smirk as he held onto Hayashi. "Where is my brother by the way? And my mother? Are they here?"

Shadow nods her head. "Yugataro went to go help citizens find their way over here, so you just missed him, but grandma is by the infirmary because of a slight slash wound on her arm when making her way over here." She tells her parents. "There's so much crime happening in both The Diamond City and our village. I think it spread throughout the entire dimension."

"Don't worry, honey, we'll solve this problem soon enough." Tabitha replies with a small smile. "Now let's go to the infirmary and try to find everyone so we can plan an attack against Noah."

Walter sees Cole waving him over but before he follows him, he finds Lila looking around camp in a suspicious way. He grabs hold of her arm and drags her with him, in order for them to keep an eye on her if she planned on betraying them like they thought.


"Max are you okay?" The weakened voice of Lee whispers to her small companion on the other side of their now shared cell. The two of them had been living in the dungeon for almost a month now, and it felt like absolute torture. "Max?" She repeats, this time a little louder than before but not as loud so the guards couldn't hear, and then yell at them for being loud.

Prior to answering her question, the rough groans from Max could be heard as they echoed throughout the dungeon. "I'm fine, Lee, I'm good. Thanks." He replies softly to his only friend in this forsaken place he once called his home. "Just tired. Sorry if I haven't been active lately."

"No, no, no it's fine." Lee says respectively to the young prince.

A short silence was followed after this.

"Max?" Lee calls.

"Yeah?" The prince looks sadly over. His hair was longer, reaching close to his shoulders, and way messier than before. Lee's was down to her elbows but she manages to maintain it more than Max did with his. "What's up?"

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