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//Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club.//



"Asami, can you tell the jury what your relationship is to the defendant, Miura Emica?" Mr. Okano asks. Asami nervously sits in the witness stand, picking at the hangnails on her fingers. It is weird hearing Emica's legal last name instead of Watanabe, the name she changed it to. She glances up to lock eyes with Tamaki. He, along with the rest of the host club, are sitting in the viewing area in support of her since she was called to testify today. She has been avoiding attending any of the court proceedings because she was unsure if she can emotionally handle all of this. She ignores her father and grandmother, who are sitting behind the host club.

"She is my kidnapper." Asami replies.

"And how old were you when Miss Miura kidnapped you?"

"I was three years old."

"Did Miss Miura attempt to kidnap you again?"

"Yes, she did."

"This second time, did Miss Miura drug you before attempting to abduct you?"

"Yes, she did."

"Did she say that she was going to abduct your brother, Tamaki Souh, as well?"

"Yes, she did."

"Asami, who is your mother?"


"And once more for the record, what is your relationship with the defendant?"

"She is my kidnapper."

"And do you have any other relationship to the defendant?"

"No." Asami says coldly, glancing at Emica to see her expressionless face staring back at her.

"Can you tell the court what name you have decided to go by?"

"I have decided to go by Noémi Asami de Grantaine-Souh." She smiles at Tamaki. "It is my legal name." She legally added Asami into her legal name before school started so she can use it on legal documents without any issues. Tamaki did the same when he decided to go by this name instead of René in Japan. It made things easier for the both of them instead of having to constantly fill out alias name paperwork.

"Thank you. No further questions at this time." Mr. Okano sits back down and Mr. Kenichi stands up. She stiffens, knowing that he was going to do his best to throw Asami off.

"Miss Souh, is it true that you and the defendant lived together for 11 of your 15 years?" Kenichi questions.


"During that time, was your relationship with the defiant a hostile one?"

"No, but I didn't know the truth about everything."

"Was it, in fact, a loving relationship?" Asami notices where this like of questioning is going and does not like it.

"Well, it depends on what you define love as."

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