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//Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club.//


Asami feels like she is underwater. Her cries for help are being drowned out by water. She sits motionless in her room, curled up in a ball while staring out her window. Her mind is racing about what to do with the new information she discovered. She is sure Emiko will be alerting Kyoya's police force about how Emica has been in contact with her and she'll be facing the wrath of them and her father soon. It's obvious that Yuzuru and Anne-Sophie combined their sperm and egg and put it into Emica because Anne-Sophie was having troubles conceiving—well this makes the most sense to Asami considering the siblings look too much like Anne-Sophie to have any biological ties to Emica. Emica was her parents' surrogate, she wasn't just some worker that planned events for them. Emica had much closer ties to Yuzuru than he was willing to admit. Is he ashamed of the surrogacy? Why would he feel the need to hide it from them? This proves just how unhinged Emica truly is. Emica developed an inappropriate bond with Tamaki and Asami because she gave birth to them yet they have no biological ties toward one another. Asami rubs her face tiredly and perks up when a few meows catch her attention. She glances down to see Salem and Gremlin sitting there, just staring at her. She pats her laps and the two jump up, rubbing their heads against her body. "What am I suppose to do?" She mumbles and gently scratches their heads. The door to her room flies open and Yuzuru stomps in with an angry expression on his face.

"Emica has been texting you and you didn't think to tell anyone about this?" He yells at her, clenching his fists. Tamaki appears in the doorway, but stays a bit behind the wall while warily eyeing their father.

"You would've taken my phone away and then I wouldn't have any access to my friends." She responds.

"Yeah, I would take your phone away from your safety! Asmai, she could be tracking your phone at any given moment. She could sneak around everyone and kidnap you again! What were you thinking?" Asmai knows that he is right. She should've immediately alerted the proper authorities when Emica continued to text her. She doesn't dare mention how they met up in Shirakawa because then he would probably keep her locked away in her room for good. She observes her father as he continues to yell at her, but none of his words make it to her ears.

"Why didn't you tell Tamaki and me the truth?" She asks tiredly, cutting Yuzuru off mid-sentence without meaning to. Tamaki perks up and steps more into the room now.

"What?" Yuzuru looks bewildered for a moment before a look of horror overcomes his face. "Did she..."

"Tamaki, Emica meant to grab you that day as well." Asami informs her brother. "She feels like we belong to her because she gave birth to us, isn't that right, father?" Yuzuru stumbles back, his breathing picking up in pace. "Was our real mother unable to get pregnant or carry to term? Why would you lie that Emica was merely a worker for you? You two chose her to carry us for a reason. You must've had a much closer relationship than you've told us."

"Is this true?" Tamaki asks and gazes at his father, hurt gleaming in his eyes. "Was Emica more than an your assistant?"

"Sit down," Yuzuru sighs and rubs his temples. "There's a lot I need to tell you both." Tamaki sits next to Asami, reaching out to grab her hand. They lean into each other as they try to seek comfort from one another. Yuzuru sits in front of them and seems to be struggling to find his words. "Anne-Sophie and I wanted a family together. We loved each other fully, but it was hard for her. She lost two babies during the first trimester and the doctors predicted that she may never be able to carry to full term. So we looked toward our friends for help. Emica was more than an assistant," he pauses to take a deep breath in. "Emica was our friend. I've known her since high school. We were in the same classes and she worked for me later on. I was on a business trip in France with Emica when I stumbled upon your mother. It was love at first sight." He smiles gently at the memory. "Emica fully supported our relationship and helped us hide from my mother because your grandmother did not approve of Anne-Sophie at all. When we told her of our pregnancy problems, she offered to be our surrogate. We got contracts written up that states that she would have no motherly role in your lives after she gave birth to you. We thought everything was going to be fine and at the time, Emica was fine with never being a mother to you guys, but everything changed after Asami was born." Tamaki tightens his hold on his sister. "Emica grew too attached to you as a baby. Her pregnancy with you was hard on her body, much harder than hers with Tamaki. She...," Yuzuru closes his eyes, "she nearly died giving birth to you." Asami winces at that. "That trauma bond she formed with you made her very reluctant to give you to us. We had to take her to court and luckily we had those contracts written up because if we didn't, she may have won."

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