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//Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club.//



"You cannot be serious." Asami stares at the twins with a dead expression on her face when they randomly turn up on her doorstep late at night. They have giant smiles on their faces with bags, pillows, and blankets in their arms. "How did you even get by security?" She glances over their shoulders, staring at the policemen patrolling the mansion yard.

"We told them we're your friends and they let us through." They chorus. "We wanted to have a sleepover with you!"

"My father and brother wouldn't like this." She leans against the doorway with her arms crossed, cocking an eyebrow at them. "You didn't even ask me."

"We did during class," Hikaru informs her.

"Granted, we did sneak it in while you were distracted." Kaoru nervously stares and shuffles his feet.

"When did—oh," she sighs once she starts to remember what occurred earlier that day.

The class was focusing on writing their essays that are due by the end of the period. Asami is working hard on hers because she started a bit late considering she took longer to choose her topic. The twins already finished their essays and are watching her curiously, exchanging glances with one another. It is obvious to everyone in the room that the twins are clearly plotting something.

"You know, we've never been over to your house before." Kaoru begins to say.

"Yeah, Tamaki has never let us come over." Hikaru tsks. "Because we're too 'evil and will corrupt the house' he says."

"Hmm." Asami hums to show that she is acknowledging them, but not truly processing what they're saying.

"Will you let us come over?" Kaoru asks.

"Specifically tonight so we can have a sleepover?" Hikaru adds on.

"Yeah, sure. That's fine." Asami says and continues to work on her essay. The twins grin in victory at each other.

"You two knew that I didn't actually hear what you were saying." She comments, narrowing her eyes at them. "That was a low move, even for you two."

"Even for us?" They fake offensively gasp. "I think this is perfectly on brand for us."

"What if I don't let you in?" She asks. "I can call security over and demand them to escort you out."

"We let our entire staff go for the night. Are you really going to send us home where we'll be alone all night?" Hikaru asks with a pout.

"I don't like being alone." Kaoru shakes his head. Asami sighs and eyes then, debating in her head about the situation. She knows her father and brother will be extremely upset in the morning if they discover that the twins spent the night; however, she does feel a bit bad about sending them away after they came over this late—even if they deceived her for this to happen.

"We can watch movies for a bit in my room but then you're going in a guest room." She tells them. They nod their heads with smiles. She allows them in, shutting the door behind them. She leads them to her room and makes sure they are extra quiet while passing by Tamaki's room. She has to stop Hikaru from going into the room and playing a prank on Tamaki—apparently, he brought temporary black hair dye and wanted to use it on Tamaki. They eventually make their way into her room.

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