A Twist of Fate - VI

Start from the beginning

She signalled the band to play upbeat songs. She then tapped the shoulder of the second vocalist to take over before she stepped off the stage and hurried to the entrance, hoping to see Perrie there. However, when she got there, the blonde was nowhere to be found.

When she returned to the counter, one of the bouncers came up to her.

"Oy Jade, a woman left this," he said, handing her a crisp white envelope. "She told me to give it to you."

"Thanks." She replied and stepped out of the bar.

Jade was hesitant to open it. Her heart started to beat fast. She wanted to read the envelope's contents, but a part of her was scared of opening it. What if Perrie gave it to her as payback for the times when she left her with nothing but a letter? What if Perrie realizes that she's made a mistake and that she's choosing her family over her? What if Perrie–

She shakes her head, her grip tightened on the envelope. It's now or never, Jade.

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Jade heaves a deep sigh after reading Perrie's letter.

Even if the contents may be a bit vague, there are a lot of things running through her mind right now. But one thing Jade is certain of, Perrie's decision is clear – she didn't want to tell Alex. And now, Perrie wants to run away from him with Jade.

This should've made Jade happy, but why does she feel like she's not? She needs more explanation from the blonde than just the letter.

If she was being honest, she hadn't decided yet. However, this time, she needs to. And Perrie needs to know her decision.

Jade came back inside, but as she was walking towards the backstage, flashes of memories flooded her vision. Memories that she thinks aren't hers but it somewhat feels familiar.

My head hurts...Ugh! Wait–Why is my view so low? I look down and notice that I'm in a wheelchair, wearing a grey hoodie over a hospital gown with a white wristband and an IV stuck in my right hand.

To my left, I see Perrie in a white coat. Wait, she's a doctor? She was leaning on the wall next to the elevator buttons. She looked exhausted but still as beautiful as ever.

"How do I look?" I ask her.

Perrie seemed startled; nevertheless, our conversation started from there.

Then, another piece of memory came rushing through.

I'm in Seattle's Municipal courtroom with Perrie next to me. In front of us was a Judge who looked relieved that the ceremony didn't take long. Unfortunately, I maxed out my insurance policy. Perrie was kind enough to marry me so I could continue with the treatment of my disease.

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