Chapter 12 - The North

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The horses galloped as hard as they could to get us to our destination. We stayed side by side the whole way, Brienne never breaking her gaze from the road ahead. The serenity of watching the sunrise together this morning seemed like a distant memory now.
We reached the borderline into The North and I instantly felt the chill in the air. The wind howled and the horizon in the distance was pure white, covered in snow. We stopped off at a river to let the horses drink and catch their breath. Brienne winced as she limped over to me.
"Are you alright?" I said, I hated seeing her in pain.
"I think my bandages might need changing" she said, her pain was kicking in again and she looked significantly paler than she did this morning.
"Sit down, I can do it".
She sat on a boulder and watched me as I ripped off my other sleeve.
"You shouldn't do that. You'll freeze before we even get to Winterfell".
"I don't care, your need is greater than mine. Besides, I like the sleeveless look".
I carried out the same procedure as before, the bites were very deep but the bleeding seemed to have stopped for now.
"Don't put too much pressure on it or it will start bleeding again and I've run out of sleeves".
She didn't try to hide her smile or laughter around me anymore, her little smirks were adorable.
"Thank you Imogen," she said gratefully.
"You shouldn't thank me. I'm the one who got us into this mess just by being born".
"But I'm glad you were".
"You mean that?"
"Of course I lady".
I didn't realise that my hand was on her knee. She looked down at it too but made no effort to move it, instead she put hers on top and my skin tingled.
"Let's go" she said softly and put her boot back on.


An hour later we were in The North, racing through miles of thick white snow. My adrenaline was the only thing keeping me relatively warm as it pumped through me.
"Where are we heading to?" I shouted over to Brienne.
"Winterfell Castle, it's just up there" and she pointed to the large walled castle right ahead. It was a welcome sight, "we actually made it" I thought.

We slowed the horses down when we approached the gates, the cold air hit me like a thousand needles and I let out a loud groan. Berxley wasn't without its cold snaps but I had lived next door to a hot forge my whole life so this climate was horrid to me.
"Drink this" Brienne said as she threw me a flask I'd not seen her use before.
"What is it?" I said as my teeth chattered.
"Something to keep you warm until we get inside".
It was the strongest ale I'd ever tasted! It burned my throat and I coughed but when the liquid hit my stomach it filled my body with heat. My reaction earned a hearty laugh from Brienne.
I noticed she'd kept her promise to me and was wearing the sun brooch I got for her on her fur shawl. It was the only bit of vibrant colour amidst this black and white landscape.
"Who goes there?" a guard shouted from above the gate.
"Ser Brienne of Tarth and Lady Imogen Forester, we seek an audience with the Queen" Brienne shouted back. She sounded so was kind of sexy.
"Let them through" he called to another person out of sight.
The large doors clambered open to a busy courtyard. It was rustic and basic but everyone seemed very at home here. I looked around to see blacksmiths at a small forge, cordwainers working on leather, squires training with soldiers and butchers cutting up fresh meat. We dismounted the horses and left them with the stablehands.

Brienne's demeanour changed here, she strode through the courtyard with purpose and a straight back, I struggled to keep up with her. I got a few strange looks from the people around us due to my attire, they all wore thick heavy clothes to keep warm while I was running around in my sleeveless shirt freezing to death!
"So what happens now?" I said to Brienne as I jogged alongside her.
"You're about to meet the Queen of the North".


Brienne was easily granted an audience with the Queen, she quickly filled me in on her history with her while we waited. Brienne swore an oath to Queen Sansa's mother years ago to protect her and her sister Arya at all costs. She tracked down Arya, rescued Sansa from House Bolton and served under her during the Battle of Winterfell. Brienne was held in a very high regard around here and it wasn't hard to see why.
"Do you make a habit of rescuing damsels in distress?" I said, half joking and half curious.
"It's my duty" she said unamused.
A horrible shiver ran through my body as a large gust of wind blew past the chamber we were standing in. I rubbed my arms vigorously trying to make some heat.
"For God's sake come here" Brienne said and took off her fur shawl. She wrapped it around me and fastened the front.
"I think I wear this more than you do now" I said and she smiled.
"As long as it keeps you warm my lady".
I giggled like a giddy little girl.
"So do I bow or curtsy?" I asked as my cheeks went pink.
"Bow. One arm in front and the other behind you, like this" and she bowed to me.
"Got it" and I repeated her action.
"But let me do the talking unless she speaks to you directly".
Before I had the chance to ask any more questions the chamber doors opened, leading to a majestic throne room.

Queen Sansa sat on a stone throne at the end of the room in front of a massive fireplace. I felt all eyes on me as we walked through two sizeable groups of people on either side.
The Queen herself was beautiful; long ginger hair, pale skin and light blue eyes with delicate facial features. She was younger than I expected, she may have been the same age as me maybe even a year or two younger. At first she sat stoically on her throne but as we approached her body language relaxed, she obviously didn't feel the need for much formality around Brienne.
"Brienne, how lovely to see you again" she said with a warm smile.
"And you, your Majesty" Brienne replied as she bowed to her Queen, I followed her lead.
"Who is your friend?" she asked, eyeing me.
"This is Imogen Forester, she hails from the family responsible for Forester Steel".
"Really? My father spoke very highly of your family. Crafters of some of the finest weapons in Westeros he used to say".
"Wow really?!" I said in awe but Brienne shot me a look, "I-I mean thank you, your Majesty".
Sansa chuckled, "what brings you here? You both look like you've been through the wars".
I opened my mouth to speak but Brienne cut me off.
"We seek safety and shelter. Lady Imogen has had some trouble with a mercenary group called the Red Riders".
The name sent whispers through the crowd.
"I see. Forgive me but I find it hard to believe that you, of all people Brienne, seek safety from a group of mere mercenaries".
"I made a promise to Imogen's uncle to protect her your Majesty" Brienne said firmly. Sansa's eyes softened as Brienne's words resonated with her.
"I know you are a woman of your word Ser Brienne but I have to ask, why are they after you Lady Imogen?"
I looked to Brienne, unsure whether to tell the truth or not.
"Could we perhaps discuss that in private, your Majesty?"
Sansa eyed me again, this time with suspicion.
"Very well. Everyone out".
The crowd dispersed at Sansa's order and she didn't even have to raise her voice. When the chamber doors closed she sat back and said, "well?"
Brienne explained everything. She obviously trusted Sansa with this information because she left no stone unturned.
"It seems like you have been through a lot Lady Forester, my sympathies for the tragic loss of your parents".
I bowed my head.
"I can assure you Winterfell Castle is a safe haven especially for those who have suffered like you have. You may both stay here for as long as you need".
"Really? Thank you so much!" Brienne shot me another look, "Uh...I mean...I am most grateful your Majesty".
Brienne shook her head with her palm on her forehead.

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