Chapter 9 - Sun

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I returned to the tavern feeling elated and dazed, but I had a great time with Talia! I sat down opposite Brienne and drank the rest of my Honey Bee Special in one go.
"Have fun?" she said through gritted teeth.
"Yep, thirsty work" I said trying to ease the tension but Brienne cringed at my joke.
"Your shirt is undone" she pointed out, I noticed I hadn't done the lace back up.
"Oops sorry" I said, tying it.
"There's an inn at the other end of the street. We can stay there for the night, it might make our journey a little longer but I need to sleep in a bed".
"Me too. But that fur shawl does help".
"You can use it for now but I'll need it back when we get to The North".
As we left I looked back and caught Talia's eye, she waved and I blew a kiss at her.

We walked through the village together and passed a few of the market stalls until something caught my eye.
"Wait here" I said to Brienne and before she could stop me I jogged over to a jewellery stall. I noticed a gold brooch in the shape of a sun, it seemed to glisten in the afternoon light like it was calling to me. Without hesitation or even attempting to haggle I bought it, it was the perfect gift for Brienne. I felt guilty about leaving her alone in the tavern so I hoped she would appreciate the gesture.
"What did you get?" she asked when I returned with a small package.
I tapped the side of my nose. She gave me a curious look then we carried on towards the inn.

We reached 'The Sleeping Sheep' inn and I giggled again at the name and adorable drawings of snoozing sheep.
"What is with the names in this town?" Brienne mumbled when she saw it.
We entered and Brienne paid for a twin room for us for the night. I was surprised (but not unhappy) that she didn't book separate rooms, "I'm not bloody leaving you on your own" she said when I asked. But I was glad of the company, especially hers.

The evening was fast approaching and my stomach rumbled loudly.
"I'm starving!" I said, rubbing my tummy.
"Me too, let's get some food".
Our plates were filled with meat, cheeses and bread and I scoffed the lot, washing it down with more ale. I looked up and Brienne was staring at me wide-eyed.
"What? Told you I was hungry" I said with a mouthful of bread.
She blinked and went back to her food.

We retired to our room with full bellies. I collapsed on my bed as exhaustion hit me. The mattress was soft and warm, a welcome delight from the forest floor I was getting used to.
"Help me with these straps would you?" Brienne said, finally asking her squire to do something for her.
I sat up and saw she was taking off her armour. I'd never seen her without it, she even slept in it!
"Um...sure" I climbed off the bed and unfastened the straps she couldn't quite reach at the back. An immense wave of her body heat hit me as the back piece came off, she was wearing a plain shirt underneath and let out a sigh of relief as she pulled the chest plate off her front. She took off her boots and gauntlets then turned to face me. I stood there taken aback by her slim yet muscular form. What caught my eye the most was her neck, long and graceful with a deep claw mark scar on one side.
"Wow" I breathed, "you're-".
"Hideous, I know, you don't have to tell me".
"No! Gods no! You're-" I couldn't find the words in me to tell her how attractive she was without making her feel awkward so I went for a gesture instead.
"I got you something" I eventually said and went to my pack to search for the brooch, "now close your eyes and hold your hands out".
"This isn't some sort of prank is it?" she said, ready to scold me if it was.
"No you'll like it I promise" I said and she did as I instructed. I placed the brooch on her palms and told her to open her eyes.
She let out a small gasp when she saw the golden sun in her hands. She examined it closely then looked at me, smiling from ear to ear.
"Imogen, this is-"
"You like it?"
"I love it, my house sigil has suns on it".
"Does it? Well it was meant to be yours then. I thought you could wear it on your shawl when we get to Winterfell".
"I will I promise. Thank you".
"You're welcome. You know, the day you found me the first thing I saw was the sun behind you. I thought the Gods had sent an angel to save me".
She blushed, "I'm surprised you can remember anything from that day".
"I'll never forget it" and I unconsciously took a step towards her, "because it was the day I met you".
We stayed locked on each other for a good few minutes, neither of us sure whether to act on whatever we were feeling.
"We should get some rest" Brienne said finally and quickly went over to her bed. She got under the blankets and turned to face the wall. I followed suit and faced my wall too.
"Good night Brienne".
"Good night Imogen".


I was woken up in the middle of the night by a flash of lightning and a loud rumble of thunder. Heavy raindrops pelted the windows as a brutal storm hit the town. The temperature had dropped in the room significantly and I started to shiver. I wrapped myself up in the blankets but it wasn't enough.
"Here" a soft voice said as something thick and warm was draped over me. I inhaled the familiar comforting scent of the fur shawl.
"Th-th-thank you" I stuttered, my eyes barely staying open.
Brienne sat on the edge of my bed stroking my hair, then tracing circles on my neck. It was so soothing and a surprisingly tender moment, a complete juxtaposition to the storm raging outside.
After a while I held her fingers still and murmured, "will you hold me?"
She was hesitant and I thought she would refuse but she crawled up beside me and snuggled into me from behind, her arm around my waist and her head nestled in my shoulder. Although I'd been close to her before I'd never felt her on me like this. The storm began to calm and I started to fall back into a slumber, as my eyelids closed I heard a whisper "good night my lady".

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