Chapter 5 - Home

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"Imogen! Imogen! Wake up!" I could faintly hear Brienne's voice as she tried to wake me from my nightmare. I was reliving the day my parents were killed; the fear as me and Jacob hid in a cupboard, the scuffle as my mother tried to protect us, the sound of the blade slashing her, the thud as her body fell to the floor...
"No! Please! No! Don't kill her! Leave us alone!" I screamed.
"IMOGEN!" Brienne shouted and I snapped out my dream.
I was covered in sweat and panting like I had just ran a hundred miles. Brienne was gripping my shoulders with a panicked look on her face.
"W-what...what happened?" I slurred.
Without answering my question she replied, "were you dreaming about your mother?"
I nodded as tears filled my eyes and I couldn't hold them back. I wept as my heart ached for my poor mother. At first Brienne didn't seem to know what to do but eventually she gave me the comfort I had been longing for, she put her arm around me and brought me into her chest. Her armour felt so cool against my skin. Once again my guardian angel was there to save me.

I don't remember falling back asleep but the next thing I knew it was morning. My head was now in Brienne's lap, when I looked up she was fast asleep. She looked so different now that all of the muscles in her face were relaxed, her natural beauty was more obvious to see. She looked so peaceful. I had to resist the urge to run my fingers along her cheeks, her jawline, her lips...
She stirred and woke herself up.
"Good morning" I said, gazing up at her.
"Oh! Good morning" she seemed surprised that I was awake and still lying in her lap.
"Sleep well?"
"I did actually" she said, yawning and stretching her arms out.
"Sorry for my little episode last night" I said bashfully.
"Don't be, you were thinking of your mother and that's nothing to be sorry about".
She smiled down at me and we stared at each other for a few moments. The way she looked at me made my insides warm but today I saw something different in her eyes, something...loving. The desire to remain lying on her like this was almost too much.

A few raindrops fell onto my forehead as I lay there and broke my gaze. Brienne looked up at the looming grey clouds above.
"Let's head out before this weather gets worse" she said and manoeuvred her legs to stand then pulled me up.
The rain started to get heavier and we heard a rumble of thunder in the distance.
"Here, put this on over your head" she retrieved a thick fur shawl from Sable and handed it to me. I threw it around myself and covered my head with it like a hood. It was huge on me and nearly touched the ground.
"What?" I said when I noticed Brienne giggling.
"Nothing my lady" and she walked away to ready Sable.
I huffed. I hated rain.


A couple of hours later the rain stopped and we finally reached Berxley. After leaving Sable with the stablehands we made our way past the gates.
Berxley wasn't a big town but it was my home. The cobbled streets were lined with houses of various shapes and sizes. The market square was always busy with all manner of stalls, selling everything from fresh fruit to jewellery to weapons.
Brienne looked around in every direction trying to take as much in as she could. She fell behind in the market square so I took her wrist and guided her through.
At the end of the town, up a dozen stone steps, stood the famous Forester Steel forge. It was twice the size of a regular forge and our family home sat behind it. You could hear my brother and the other smiths hard at work through the rhythmic clanging of metal on anvils and the sizzle of hot metal in cold water.
Brienne's mouth fell open at the site of the forge, she was totally in awe.
"Ta daaa!" I sang, gesturing to the sight.
"It's home" I said proudly, "come on let me introduce you to everyone".
I started climbing the steps but I didn't hear her following.
"A-are you sure?" she said with uncertainty.
I took a step down so I matched her height.
"Brienne, you saved my life. Twice! The least I can do is give you a tour!"
She looked down trying to conceal her smile.
"Besides I'm going to need you here for moral support when I tell Garrin and Jacob about... what I did".

As soon as we reached the top of the steps I heard a familiar cheerful voice.
"Hey sis!" Jacob put down his tools and came running over to give me a bear hug, lifting me up and spinning me around.
Jacob was tall and muscular with shaved brown hair and brown eyes. His face was always smeared with dirt or oil even when he was a child. He was my rock, our shared trauma made us close and I couldn't imagine my life without him.
"Put me down Jake!" I protested getting slightly dizzy.
"Where the hell have you been? You were gone for weeks! Is that blood?!"
"It's a long story, I'll tell you later. Where's Garrin?"
"No idea. Probably in the tavern again" Jacob said, rolling his eyes.
I sighed, "I'll find him later".
"Who's your friend?" he said, spotting a distracted Brienne over my shoulder.
"This is Ser Brienne of Tarth" I said, beaming with pride.
"Ser? You're a knight?!" he couldn't contain his excitement.
"I am indeed. Pleased to meet you Jacob" and she held out a hand for him to shake. He gripped her hand and arm with both hands as if she might disappear at any moment.
"A Knight of the Six Kingdoms in our forge?! Wow! Dad would be so proud!"

I left Brienne with Jacob as she showed her around the forge and went to look for Garrin. Just as Jacob had predicted he was in the tavern sitting on his own, nursing a tankard of ale.
"You really shouldn't be drinking alone Garrin" I said from behind him.
"Hey scamper! You're back!" he wobbled as he got to his feet and held his arms out to me. I could smell the ale on his breath as I hugged him, he must have been here a while. My uncle wasn't as tall or muscular as Jacob but you could tell he'd lived a life of hard labour. He had short grey hair and a goatee with hazel eyes, just like my mother's.
"What happened to you?" he said, examining the fresh scar on my forehead.
"It's nothing, I'm fine" I said moving his hand away, "why aren't you at the forge today?"
"Apparently my body isn't what it used to be" he replied glumly.
"Well you're not a young man anymore Garrin, you should be taking it easy not drinking your days away!"
"What else is there to do in this town?!" he snapped then lowered his voice, "I'm sorry I just hate not working. I'm so bored!"
"Well I know how to cheer you up. Come with me".

He drank the last of his ale and followed me to the forge. Jacob was chatting away to Brienne about who knows what. My brother always seemed like a giant to me so I had to laugh when I saw that Brienne had an inch or two over him.
She beamed when she spotted me, not even noticing Garrin behind me.
"Garrin, this is Ser Brienne of Tarth. Knight of the Six Kingdoms and niece rescuer" I joked.
"A knight?! By the Gods!"
"A pleasure to meet you Garrin. I've heard a lot about you" and she held out her hand again.
"You have?" he said worriedly as he shook hands with her, "Imogen..."
"Nothing bad I promise!" I said, "can we go inside? I need to speak to you both about something".
Garrin led us to our humble home around the back of the forge. On the way Brienne put her hand on my shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"I'll wait outside for you" she said quietly.
"No please, I need you with me" my eyes were pleading with her.
"Oh...OK then" she said hesitantly. She seemed confused but I felt like I couldn't do this without her, she was the one who gave me courage and comfort when I needed it most and I would certainly need it soon.

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