Chapter 8 - Sweet tooth

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I woke up the next morning with Brienne's fur shawl draped over me. It was so warm and soft that I pulled it around me and wrapped myself up in it.
"Comfortable?" Brienne said.
"Mmhmm" I hummed, nuzzling the shawl. I picked up her scent on it, which made me like it even more.
Then my body was suddenly hit with the cold morning air as Brienne whipped it off me in one swift move.
"Hey!" I cried.
"Get up. It's time for your first training session" she said sternly.
"Now? Really?"
"Yes now! Get up!"
I grumbled and got to my feet rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, when I opened them again Brienne's sword was inches away from my throat.
"Woah! Easy Bri!"
"Draw your weapons" she commanded so I drew my daggers, twirled them then gripped them firmly.
"Try to strike me" she instructed, "don't worry you won't hurt me".
"How do you know?" I said, getting a bit cocky.
"Ah fighting talk, I like it" she said as one side of her mouth curled up.
I lunged towards her aiming for her side but she dodged me and I stumbled a few steps forward.
"You can do better than that" she mocked.
I scanned her quickly, picking a target area, I aimed for her shoulder but she blocked me with her weapon and shoved me away. I went for her again and our blades clanged as a duel began. We circled each other in practice combat, she had her strength but I had my agility and managed to avoid most of her swings.
"You still haven't hit me yet" her mocking tone was spurring me on. She took a big swing with Oathkeeper but I ducked beneath it and kicked out my leg at her ankle. She fell backwards and landed on her back with a thud, the tip of my dagger at her throat as I stood over her.
"Does this count?" I said smugly.
She looked up surprised but impressed, chuckling at being overthrown by a little thing like me.
"You're better than I thought but your footwork and aim need work" she said as I helped her up.
I noticed some twigs and leaves had gotten stuck in her hair. But when I reached up to pick them out but she grabbed my arm in defence.
"What are you doing Imogen?"
"You've got some leaves in your hair" I replied innocently.
"Oh" and she ruffled the back of her head trying to shake them out.
"Let me do it" I said, taking charge. I expected her hair to be dry and straw-like but as I picked the leaves out I noticed it was actually really soft. Without thinking I ran my fingers through it. She turned her head slightly and I pulled my hand away, awkwardly clearing my throat.
" you need me to do anything else for you Ser?" I muttered, avoiding her gaze.
"Yes. Don't call me Ser, Brienne is fine" she said.
"But I'm your squire-"
"You're not just-!" she stopped herself from saying any more, "I just prefer Brienne so let's keep it at that".
"OK Brienne" I said warily.
"Interesting" I thought.


After another day's travel we stopped off at a village called Dowington. It was similar to Berxley with a marketplace and quaint houses but nowhere near as bustling. There was however a large tavern near the docks with a sign that read 'The Happy Bee'. I giggled at the name and the drawings of bees with smiling faces.
"I like this place already," I said with glee.
"I thought you would," Brienne replied.
When we entered I realised why the village wasn't busy, everyone was in here! The room was filled with chatter, laughter and singing. A well dressed bard played a lute in front of a roaring fireplace and tipped his hat when we walked in. There was an overwhelming sweet smell in the air too, a mix of yeast and sugar.
"Maybe we should go somewhere else..." Brienne said nervously and turned to walk out.
"No let's stay here, it seems fun!" I said enthusiastically.
"There's too many people".
"Exactly, we can get lost in here and no one will pay us any attention" I whispered. I looked down and realised I had hold of Brienne's hand during this conversation. I was reluctant to let it go but I knew she wasn't overly keen on physical touch so I didn't want to make her feel awkward.
"Come on, let's get a drink" I said and bounced over to the bar. A jolly innkeeper with a round belly and balding hair greeted us.
"Good afternoon ladies! What can I get you?" he beamed.
"Two ales please!" I said eagerly.
"Traditional or the Happy Bee Special Ale?"
"Ooo what's that?" I said now leaning on the counter.
"Well, it's our own brand of ale infused with honey produced by the bees from our beehives".
"That sounds delicious! I'll have one! Brie?"
She was wary but agreed to try it with me.
"Excellent! Two Happy Bees coming up!" and he wandered off to prepare the drinks.
"Look there's a table in that corner, let's sit there" I said pointing to one of the darker corners of the tavern, I knew Brienne would feel more comfortable in the shadows.

We sat down and a very pretty tavern girl with black hair tied up in a high ponytail and deep blue eyes brought us our drinks.
"Here you go ladies, enjoy!" she said cheerfully and winked at me as she sauntered away.
"Don't even think about it" Brienne said firmly.
"Hmm? What?" I lazily replied still in a trance by the girl's behind.
Brienne rolled her eyes, "ready to try this?" she said holding her tankard up to her lips.
"After three. One, two, three!" I counted and took a large gulp. It was delicious! The honey seemed to make the ale smooth on my throat and the sweetness was delightful. But when I looked over at Brienne her face was scrunched up in disgust, I couldn't help but laugh out loud.
"Not for you?"
"Gods no! Far too sweet! I'm getting a real drink..." and she went back to the bar to order herself a normal ale.

While Brienne was away the ebony-haired tavern girl came back over to our table.
"Everything OK with your drinks?"
"Yes thanks, my friend just doesn't have a sweet tooth like me".
"What a shame. But you know that's not the only sweet thing we have on the menu" she flirted, now leaning on the table so I could see her down her shirt.
"Is that so?" I said and couldn't control the grin appearing on my face.
"Mmhmm" she bit her lip and looked me up and down, "meet me round the back in five minutes" she purred in my ear then walked off.
I sat there flabbergasted and excited, I liked this town!

Brienne rejoined me. I looked around for my tavern girl and she was nowhere to be seen.
" to-"
"Go on. You don't want to keep her waiting" Brienne said, staring into her drink. I noticed that her jaw was clenched and she refused to look at me.
"Are you...sure?" I asked.
"Just go" she said dismissively and she took a heavy swig. I didn't expect her to react like this, she almost seemed...jealous.
"I'll be back soon I promise".
She didn't respond or even look at me as I got up to leave. I walked away, not wanting to anger her anymore. 

I found my way around to the back of the tavern to see the tavern girl leaning on the wall waiting for me.
"Hello again" I said.
"Mmm hello you. What's your name?" she asked.
"Imogen, what's yours?"
"Talia. But names don't matter right now" and with that she yanked me towards her by my waistcoat and kissed me hungrily. I quickly lost myself in the moment and my hands danced over her voluptuous body as she held onto mine. But the hurt look on Brienne's face earlier kept flashing into my mind.
"What's wrong?" Talia said, holding my face. She must have detected the change in my behaviour.
"Nothing. Don't stop" and I forgot about everything as I escaped into a passionate frenzy with a woman I'd only just met, secretly wishing it was my lady knight instead.

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