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We have been flying for some time when the gate to the outer dome appears in the distance. Home is just a little further I tell Destiny as I pat the side of her neck. I look over my shoulder and tell Violet that we are almost there. I assure her that everything will be explained to her soon.

Marie and I land our harpies at the gate to the outer dome. We all dismount to stretch our legs one last time before we embark on our final stretch of the journey. I walk over to the gate in the dome and enter the code. The gate opens and everyone walks through. We continue on foot until we can see the sky of the outer dome. We are still unsure how low the dome is especially in the area where no light shines in from the sky above. Therefore, we agree flying is risky. Once the dome sky reappears we mount back up and make our final approach to the inner dome, home.

In comparison to our travels of the last few days it is a very short distance to arrive at the inner dome. We all dismount and I turn to Violet and tell her "We are here. Once we go through the gate we will speak to Shimmer our governess to figure out exactly what comes next." I am trying to assure her that everything will be okay, but the look on her face makes it clear she does not share my optimism.

We proceed through the gate. Violet stops just inside the gate. It's more like she freezes. I know that Community looks nothing like anything she has ever seen. It must be quite overwhelming to see for the first time. I have lived most of my life here and I am even taken aback when new things are added to our home. For example: when the temple complex was added it was awe inspiring and I have lived here almost all my life. I cannot imagine being her right now. She is literally walking through the gate into a foreign land. A land where everything is different than where she came from.

It looks to be lunch time here in Community and I for one am very hungry. I assume everyone is hungry. I turn to Marie and thank her for all of her help. "Please take Skye to the handlers and get yourself something to eat. I will take care of Violet's needs." Marie nods and says "your welcome. It was my pleasure. It was nice to see what my abilities were to be honest. I had no idea what being a tracker was. What it meant to be able to track divine items or clearly people even meant."

As Marie walks away with Skye I turn to Violet and tell her we need to tend to Destiny's needs and then get something to eat ourselves. Destiny, Violet, and I walk towards the handler's sector. Upon arrival I inform Stephen that I will tend to the removal of Destiny's saddle but that her meal needs brought to her in her enclosure. I also let them know that they need to bring medical supplies for Destiny's bullet graze wound. Then we walk toward my quarters and Destiny's enclosure.

Once in Destiny's enclosure, Violet helps me remove Destiny's saddle and place it on the saddle stand against the wall by the table and chair. Once the task is finished Violet asks me "what was Marie talking about when she said she can track divine items and people? When she said people she looked in my direction. Why?" I responded by inviting her into my barracks for a chat.

Once in my barracks, I tried to explain to her that the temples she could see upon our arrival were built to worship our parents. That our parents were the various Greek gods of stories throughout time. I proceeded to roll over my wrist and show her the mark Apollo placed there when he claimed me. She just looked at me with a blank stare for several minutes.

When she finally spoke she said "I thought those were just beautiful temples that maybe you restored or something. I am having trouble believing what you are telling me. You are the daughter of the Greek God Apollo?" "Yes," I replied matter-of-factly. I felt there was no reason to sugar coat anything. In order for her to fit in here and start a new life she had to know the facts. The biggest most important fact that she needed to come to grips with was we were all demigods including her. We could not move forward without that realization. She had to believe it. Otherwise, she was of no help as our muse. The entire reason we left to find her. I do realize now why it was urgent we find her. If we had waited much longer she would not have survived. Her circumstances were dire to say the least.

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