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I awake before the sun has risen and lay in my bed trying to decide how I will address the note with Shimmer this morning. I sure hope we are both thinking what I am thinking. It feels like the time to open the envelope and address whatever is inside. We need to know who they are. Who so boldly entered Shimmers home and left the chest. Most importantly we need to determine what they may do next. What if we open the envelope but do not act on their message in the way they perceive to be correct? What if we do not take the path they have clearly chosen for us? I have a dozen 'what if's' and just do not see a way forward without more information.

The sun is rising, and I am starving. I guess all of this pondering has my stomach ready for breakfast a little early this morning. I guess that is a good thing because I just realized there is no one to wake me up if I sleep in. In the hunter's barracks that was never a problem because if I slept in Peter did not and vice versa. We made a really good tag team. I do not know why we never slept in on the same day, but we didn't. I will have to remember to ask Shimmer how she is always up and ready on time every morning. It is time to get out of this bed and get moving. I think I will wear a red shirt with black slacks and black flats today. It does feel odd to not just throw on a t-shirt, probably the same color as yesterday, and be done. To actually ponder over what I will wear is strange but not wearing a t-shirt is even stranger.

Breakfast is oats this morning and I am eating at a quick pace. I have so much on my mind I just want to fill my belly and move on with my day. I have chosen to sit alone this morning at an empty hunter's table in the back. Most people have not arrived yet so most of the back is empty really. I want no chance of questions or inquiries this morning. I have too much on my mind for small talk or to fend questions I am not prepared to answer. I do not wish to lie or hide the truth from anyone; however, a panic could ensue if people knew about the chest and Shimmer's wardrobe. As everyone arrives, I notice Shimmer is not here. I wonder why. She is at almost all meals. She always says it is important to stay connected with everyone as a family unit. Less misunderstandings and problems in general that way. So, it is odd but not unheard of. Maybe this is her way of avoiding the questions today. I think it is time to go find Shimmer. I walk to the dump station and dump my plate. Then I slip out the back way unseen.

I start at Shimmer's barracks but the door is locked which can only mean she is not here, because during the day the door is always unlocked if she is inside. I walk to the lake next but still no Shimmer. Where in the world could she be. She knew I was coming this morning. This makes no sense. Next, I decide to walk the perimeter of the dome. That will take a while, but I have no idea where to look next. I do not believe I have ever seen her in the orchards, gardens, or anywhere near the livestock. My perimeter walk is actually kind of therapeutic. It gives me time to mull over in my head what to say to Shimmer when I see her, as well as a little time to myself before the stressful work begins. As I come around the back of the pavilion there she is. Talking to the cooks and dumping her plate. I must have been so early this morning that I missed her. I suppose that is possible. Shimmer notices me and waves me over to join her. I walk at a quick pace to join her. "You must have been up bright and early this morning. When I arrived at the pavilion you were nowhere in sight and Berry said you had already left." "I was early this morning, but most everyone had arrived before I left. Most everyone except for you." "Let us take a walk Aurora. We have much to discuss." With that we left the pavilion and took the long way to Shimmer's barracks. We just walked on in silence until we were at her door. As we entered her barracks, she began addressing our situation.

"Ok Aurora now the real challenging work begins. We have several big decisions to make and not much time to do it in. I want us to have a plan before we meet with Einstein. That only gives us today and tomorrow because I set a meeting with Einstein in three days from yesterday as you are well aware." We walked to her desk and took our normal seats. "Shimmer before we begin the pressing tasks at hand I have a question." "What is your question, Aurora?" "I was wondering where you were this morning. I came to your cabin immediately after breakfast, but the door was locked." "Oh yes, I was aware you were coming I thought I left early enough this morning to meet with the creators, not Einstein, he is far too busy with the current task I gave him. Instead, I met with Marie and Albert about the progress being made on the patrol towers for the weapons masters. I feel it is important we are able to get a bird's eye view of our surroundings. I had no idea you would rise with the sun this morning. I hope you were not bothered too much by my absence." "Honestly, a little bit. Only because I was concerned something had happened to you. Which would have never been a thought if someone had not invaded your barracks just days ago" "I do see your point but I am fine and we have business to attend to." With that the conversation was over.

The Greek Gods and the Apocalypseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें