Chapter 1

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Content Warning:

⚠This story does include sensitive topics such as: gaslighting, manipulation, abuse. ⚠


"Angel, hurry or we're going to be late!" Aunt Sofia called from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I put my violin back into its case and closed it. I grabbed my backpack, phone and violin case before running downstairs. Once I was in the hallway I saw my aunt standing in front of the small mirror putting on her usual diamond earrings.

She looked sideways once she noticed me. "You're late, I hope you won't be tardy during your lesson."

"I won't, I promise aunty." I grabbed my violin case a little tighter as I waited silently as aunt Sofia adjusted her earrings in the mirror and checked her hair.

She picked up her keys and looked at me with a flat smile. "Good, then come."

I followed her and put my things into the back of her car then silently sat down in the passenger seat. I fiddled nervously with the hem of my dress while we drove through the new town. We had moved to my aunt's hometown a month ago and the surroundings were still unfamiliar to me, though I could slowly remember the way to my teacher's house. It had been the only place other than our house where I had been so far.

Summer break would be over in a week, and I would be starting my second year of high school in this town. I would go to the same high school my aunt and my mother had attended when they were younger. I was kind of excited for that change, to see where they grew up when they were young but I was also anxious. I didn't like change. I liked to keep to my routines and do what I was familiar with. Everything about this town and the people was new, it was like I was always anxious when I stepped out of the house.

Before I noticed the car was already parked in front of my teacher's house. I got out of the car and picked my things up from the backseat, my aunt walked ahead and I quickly followed her to the front door. She rang the doorbell just as I reached her. She glanced at me with a sharp look before trailing her eyes back on the door.

It didn't take long and my violin teacher, Mr. Graham, opened the door. He was an elder man, nearing 70, his back was slightly rounded, but his eyes were still sharp, his ears too. No matter what mistake I made or what note I played wrong he could tell. When my aunt had still played the violin he had been her teacher too, she said he had made her the talent she was. He was a great teacher.

"Good morning, Sir." Aunt Sofia greeted him with a kiss to the cheek.

Mr. Graham smiled as he greeted my aunt back. "Hello Sofia, it is always a delight to see my former student." He kissed her cheek in return then turned to me. "Hello Angel." He greeted me his tone taking a stricter note, one I was used to from him.

I straightened showing the best posture my aunt had taught me. "Hello Mr. Graham. I hope to learn a lot today."

"Go in and prepare for the lesson." He told me. I glanced at aunt Sofia once and she nodded me to go in.

So I did. I went into the music room in Mr. Grahams house and started preparing my violin I tuned it and started with a few practice exercises. Once my aunt left Mr. Graham came to the music room and the lesson started.


Aunt Sofia picked me up three hours later and we returned home.

"Mr. Graham said you improved over the last weeks." Aunt Sofia said and I smiled at her words hoping she would be happy with my progress. I always wanted her to be proud of me. "But you're still making mistakes in many areas. After dinner you will practice more, I will observe."

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