He resurfaced and in his arms and on his back were 6 civilians all coughing out water and from his body were several tendrils that were wrapped around 8 more people some coughing out water others were still. Izuku took them to a roof and dropped them down, before overlooking the edge already sensing the next batch he was getting. He glanced towards a civilian who was kneeling catching their breath.

Izuku: Anyone I bring, help them.

Civilian: Yessir!

Izuku jumped back down going into the water and an instant later came out now with 10 people on his back and 15 wrapped in his tendrils. Izuku dropped them on the roof and turned back to the water and sent several large tendrils into the water and huffed as he slowly lifted a bus out from the water. He then freed one hand and formed a Black Buzzsaw from the whips cutting the bus a long way and exposing the roof. He tore all the seats out, ignoring the bodies he had to put down, and harnessed it with a black whip and stuck a reinforced floating system from his bags making it floatable. He tossed it into the water seeing it worked, he quickly rocketed around the block saving anyone he came across and stuffing as many people he could find into it before lifting onto a roof and emptying it out, and repeating. 

He continued like this for a while until he thought it was taking too long so he dropped it on a roof one last time and started rocketing throughout the city at his full speed. If you were looking from above overlooking the city you could see a trail of green lightning bouncing around the city, illuminating it in a bright green with the lightning moving so fast it started overlapping on each other making it seem like the the lightning would shine forever.

On the ground Izuku was saving anyone he could find moving so fast a lot of the people he saved didn't even realize they had been saved until they found themselves on a roof. Izuku was also able to get into the remaining hospitals and get the staff and patients to the many roofs he had filled with civilians. Izuku yelped as he slipped while trying to bounce off a building messing up his launch making him crash into the side of a building, Izuku rolled on the floor until he fell on his back. He panted as he lay there feeling every single portion of his body felt on fire from his quirk use, yet he forced himself into a sitting position as he continued to pant. He couldn't stop now, there were still so many more crying out for help.

As Izuku thought that he felt a sharp pain making him turn in a particular direction inside the building he crashed in. More specifically the elevator shaft, Izuku picked himself up and reactivated OFA as he forced the shaft doors open. He felt the Danger down making him look to see an elevator almost submerged in water along with several tired screams for help. Izuku hopped down and pried the roof open like paper revealing 10 people desperately trying to keep their heads above water. Izuku reached out his hand and gave them a reassuring smile.

Izuku: Let's get yall out of here.


*1 Hour later*

It had been 1 hour and 20 minutes since the tsunami had impacted Kyoto, 1 hour since Izuku arrived on the field, and it has been 10 minutes since actual support came via helicopters. The sent heroes quickly went to work on the countless civilians on the rooftops. They would have helped in the evacuation process, but they felt like they would only get in the way of the hero covered in green lightning so the only ones out were the water-based heroes. 

In the middle of the drowned city, Izuku could be seen under the water in a bank lifting the vault out of its place he could see several heartbeats inside it seemed some used it as shelter before the water overtook everything. Izuku lifted it and rocketed out of the underwater building and placed the vault on a roof opening it and helping the people out. Izuku looked like shit completely covered in mud that had stained his costume and with him completely soaked in water and sweat. He was exhausted and desperate from this past hour. He had Danger Sense activated this whole time and every time a signal would go away, he would never know if it was because they were saved or....or if he was too late.

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