A Burning Feeling.

774 15 56

Cw- Blood mention, stabbing mention

As 10 year old Kenny McCormick wakes up on Monday morning to his mom screaming,


, He groans.
Getting out of bed and trying not to stare at the old poster of a woman posing in a bikini, he opens his drawer and pulls out a plain white shirt, his usual orange parka, and a pair of matching orange pants.
Putting them on in that order for some reason, he rushes downstairs.
Kenny puts on his shoes and puts on his bag, the straps have been getting uncomfortable recently.

Karen sits on the couch, watching whatever television channels the McCormicks could afford to use.

And Kevin is god knows where.

Kenny speeds out the door, and using the *Gay Speed Walk™*, Kenny is at the bus stop first.

Then Cartman waddles over.

Then Kyle.

Then Stan.

C, K, S.
A, C, K.
Kenny gets a sudden strong burn in his throat, and screams out, though it is muffled.

"Dude! What the fuck?"
Cartman snaps.

"I kinda have to agree, what was that scream for?
Kyle adds, ashamed to agree with Eric.

"Sorry, my throat felt like it was being stabbed."
Kenny coughs. He feels something in his mouth when he coughs, coming out of his throat. Something small, thin, and smooth.
It tastes slightly metallic.

Cartman shrugs.

Kenny hides it, but pulls the thing out of his mouth.

A single bloody flower petal.

This may be South Park, but this shit is fucking fictional.
Kenny may watch anime, but this shit is not normal.
Plus, he only watches Hentai.
On the school computers.

You Took My Breath Away. Literally.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя