Issue #44...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

Start from the beginning

            Roran laughed, “I’d like to see you try!”

            A small frog had plopped onto his whitish grey hair and jumped back into the water with a splash. Even we had to laugh at that.

            Seto had wrapped his hands around my waist. “You do realize we have not even so much as a tent to sleep in right?”

            I nodded, “Actually we have one better,” I pointed to the cars.

            His eyes narrowed, “You seriously expect me to sleep in a car, all night?”

            I crossed my arms, “It’s not that bad. It’s either this or the ground. Besides, we’ve slept in worse conditions than this. The weather is supposed to be great these next couple days and nights.”

            He frowned, not particularly happy about this. “Oh ease up City boy.” I said with a crooked smile.

            “Hm…” He responded and walked away, making me frown. What was I supposed to do, let him pay for all of us to stay at a five star hotel? Besides…I looked at the view of the bridge, and the splashing waves on the shore…hotels had nothing on this.


            “Hope!” Breanna shouted, causing me to look up from the white tree I was laying under, all of the leaves had died on it long ago, so it provided me with minimal shade, but it was still better than nothing.

            “Yea?” I raised my head up off the ground, she was walking along the edge of the sand barefoot, Roran close at her side. There were no people around, so Roran had tossed off his jacket a while ago. His black wings glistened in the sun, and I stared at him with jealously, damn fox, my wings were better. Had been better anyways.

            “Well…” Breanna began, “I know it’s not sundown yet, so how about we head into the city? Do some shopping…get some food…” Her green eyes sparkled at the thought.

            “Yeah, I’m starving.” Roran agreed. I looked over to the Camaro, where Seto was stretched out on the hood, reading a book. Casually flipping the page, he pretended not to notice me staring at him. I think he was still pretty distraught about sleeping here tonight.

            I gave a smile, “How about it? Want to head back to civilization for a few hours?”

             He shut the book, “Why not?”

            I grinned, “You’re back to giving me two syllable answers! You’re normal again!” I gave him a hug in response, I looked up at him, “You’re not mad at me anymore…are you?”

            He scoffed, “I suppose not.”

            “Four syllables!” I cried and placed my hands on his forehead, “You’re not sick are you?” I joked, he gave me a smirk in return.

Roran chuckled, glad I was picking on Seto for a change, “Okay everybody, meet back here in two hours deal?” I said to everyone seriously.

            “You guys go on ahead,” Sawyer replied, “I think I’ll kick back here for a little bit, grab me some food while you’re gone.”

            “You don’t wanna come?” Breanna asked, staring at him with big green eyes.

            He shook his head, “Nah, I need some time to myself, think some things over, you know?”

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