Chapter 30

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"Babe, look what came in!" I yelled as I ran into the house.

"What?" Ariana asked as she looked up from her phone. "Y/N, what the hell?"

"My Spiderman suit!" I said.

"Awe, babe." She said.

Ariana burst into laughter. I placed my hands on my hips.

"Laugh all you want. This is a replica of Andrew Garfield's suit from Amazing Spiderman two. This cost me a pretty penny." I said.

"Baby, why would you spend your money on that?" She asked.

"Because look at it!" I said.

"I'm looking." Ariana nodded.

I got on the ground and posed. Ariana laughed even harder.

"You don't get it." I said standing up.

"Can you take the mask off? I miss your pretty face." She said.

"No." I shrugged.

"Why?" She whined.

"The city needs me." I told her.

"I thought that was Batman." Ariana said.

I ran over to her and jumped on her.

"Marry me. Marry me right now." I said.

I took the mask off and threw it somewhere. I kissed her, and she smiled.

"Oh you wanna marry me because I remember a stupid quote?" She asked.

"It's not stupid. You take that back." I said.

"Okay, I apologize." Ariana said.

"It's okay, honey." I told her.

I laid on top of her, and she wrapped her arms around me.

"So I have an event tonight that I really do not want to go to, but Scooter is making me. Do you wanna be my date?" She said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"His girlfriend's annoying family is having a gala. It's just gonna be a bunch of old rich people sitting around talking about who has the most money. And of course he volunteered his artists to perform, so I have to. But I want you there cause some of the old rich people's sons get a little handsy." Ariana said.

"Sounds awful. Can I wear my new Spiderman suit under my actual suit?" I said.

"Honestly, sure." She said.

"You're the best." I said.


"Oh my- this place is like ninety five percent old people." I whispered to Ariana.

"I told you." She shrugged.

"I'm actually scared. Have you ever seen Children of the Corn? This is reverse Children on the Corn." I said wrapping my arm around her.

"What's that?" She asked.

I gasped.

"You've never seen Children of the Corn? Who raised you?" I asked.

"You know exactly who raised me." She said.

"Oh yeah." I nodded.

Ariana pushed my head and smiled.

"Ari! Hi, hon." Scooter said as he walked over.

I had never met him, but I saw pictures of him and Ariana all the time.

Fight for Me (Ariana Grande/You) Where stories live. Discover now