Chapter 8

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"Look at that little kid with that stupid shirt on." I said.

"Why are you trying to bully a child?" Ariana said without looking up from her menu.

"Why is he wearing a fucking 'who is the fastest man alive' shirt? He probably thinks it's The Flash. I wanna ask him." I said.

"I don't even know what that means." She said.

"Hey!" I called out.

"Oh my God." Ariana said putting her head down.

I pointed at the kid as he looked at me.

"The Flash or Superman?" I asked as I pointed at his shirt.

"The Flash, duh." He said.

I smiled before looking away.

"I don't like that little boy." I said.

"Well he sounds like he's eight years old. And you do too." Ariana said.

"This is serious business, okay? The Flash isn't faster than Superman." I said.

Ariana pulled out her phone and hummed.

"Keep going. I'm listening." She said.

"There's nothing else to it. I don't care if his whole thing is being fast. Like he's a bitch. And his fucking suit is stupid." I said.

"Okay, it took one Google search to find out that The Flash is faster than Superman." Ariana said turning her phone towards me.

"Get that out of here. You don't get it." I said.

"I don't get what?" Ariana asked as she put her phone down.

"First of all, it's all subjective. And results for who's the strongest, most powerful, or fastest do change in comics all the time. But the only reason The Flash can win is because he can phase through buildings and trees. Superman can run through them, but he's too moral to run though buildings and shit cause there might be people in there. However, you put them on a flat surface, and Kal-El is fucking destroying Barry, Jay, or Wally." I said.

"Is this why you didn't have friends?" Ariana asked.

"That is a possibility." I shrugged.

"I'm actually really happy that I get to be the first person to hear your theories." She smiled.

"Not a theory. It's a fact." I said.

"Superman told you all of this personally?" Ariana asked.

"Alright, I'm done talking." I said picking up my menu.

"Oh so you invite me out to dinner, and then you refuse to talk?" Ariana asked.

"It's a 'thank you for letting me be your bodyguard' dinner. The dinner says it all. I don't have to speak." I said.

"Did you know you just talked?" She asked.

I held up the menu in front of my face and continued looking at the different food.

We were at a vegan restaurant that I had never been to because I wanted to take Ariana to a place that she would like. The dinner was a thank you to her because I really appreciated her letting me be her bodyguard. I also felt really bad about listening to what the other guys had said about her.

"Are you not gonna talk for real?" Ariana asked.

I ignored her.

"Y/N." She said.

I ignored her again.

"Y/N Rocco Francis Marchegiano. Talk to me now." She said.

I put the menu down.

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