Chapter 9

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I heard several hard knocks on my front door. I sat up in bed and listened closely. The banging continued. I opened my nightstand and pulled out my Glock nineteen. I got out of bed and put the gun in my waistband. I walked out of my room and went to the door. The banging continued.

I hesitantly opened the door. Edgar was standing in front of me.

"Goddamn, I almost shot you. How do you even know where I live?" I said.

Edgar walked past me and entered my apartment.

"Why is your living room bare?" He asked.

"Cause it's mine." I said taking the gun out of my waistband.

"Jesus, you have a gun for real?" He asked as he backed away.

"You don't?" I asked as I shut the door and locked it.

"No, I'm a fucking boxer. If somebody breaks in, I'm whooping them." Edgar said.

"Yeah, I could do that. But if you break into the place I pay rent for, I'm fucking bussin' a cap in your ass." I said.

"Alright, fair enough." He said.

"Why'd you come here?" I asked.

"I gotta promote this new club that just opened, and my girl can't come tonight cause my son is sick. I was wondering if you wanted to come since everybody talking about Lil Rocky knocking Desmond out." He said.

"When?" I asked.

He looked at his watch.

"Like an hour?" He said.

"An hour. What the- why would you come here an hour before it's time to go?" I asked.

"My son just got sick." He said.

"How did you know where I live?" I asked.

"I asked Duke." He shrugged.

"That's a safety breach." I said.

"You're not the fucking President." Edgar said.

I walked to my bedroom.

"Safety breach." I repeated.

"Are you coming?" He asked as he followed me to my bedroom.

"Yeah, just let me shower. Go out in the living room." I said.

"And sit where?" He asked.

"The ground. You can meditate or something." I said.

Edgar walked out of my room and shut the door behind him.

Ariana's Point of View

"Be honest. Do you think I'm crazy?" I asked Victoria as I put my eyeliner on.

"No, I've done worse." She said.

"That actually makes me feel a lot better." I said.

About an hour ago, Y/N started posting videos in a club with her little friend Edgar and some other celebrities that she magically became friends with tonight. She was being posted on Normani's Instagram story, Chloe Bailey's Instagram story, and Megan Thee Stallion's.

So I decided that I had to go to the club as well.

I hadn't really talked to Y/N since her mom came to town, so I was completely thrown off guard when I saw her with literally everyone ever at some club. I didn't think she was mad at me because she accepted my apology, but I just assumed she was still a little sensitive about it.

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