Chapter 13

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Ariana's event that I had to bodyguard for was a private dinner for the cast and crew of the new movie Wicked. I kind of felt out of place since none of the bodyguards would talk to me. I was almost positive they saw Ariana kiss me before we walked in.

For the past hour, I had been standing on the wall while the other bodyguards talked. Ariana would sneak me looks every once and a while, but that was about all the conversation we had.

"Hello there." I heard someone say.

I looked down, and Michelle Yeoh was in front of me. I almost passed out.

"Michelle Yeoh, holy shit. You're gonna be in the movie?" I asked.

"I am." She smiled.

"Hey, I just have to let you know that I've seen so many of your movies. Wing Chun, Tai Chi Master, Crouching Tiger. I mean the list goes on. I'm a boxer, but you're still a big inspiration." I said.

"I appreciate that. What's your name?" She said.

"Y/N. I'm here with Ariana." I said.

"She's a sweet girl, isn't she?" Michelle asked.

"She is." I said looking at Ariana.

"Well you just looked alone, and I wanted to say hello." She smiled.

"Thank you. It means a lot. Especially coming from you." I said.

"Have a good night, Y/N." Michelle said as she walked away.

As soon as Michelle walked away, I saw Ariana get out of her seat. She walked over to me. Ariana made sure to keep her distance from me.

"Can I talk to you outside?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said.

I followed her to the back of the restaurant and then outside. We shut the door behind us. There was no one else outside with us.

"Are you having fun?" Ariana asked.

"Not really. The other bodyguards aren't really talking to me. I think they might have seen when you kissed me before we walked in." I said.

"Oh no, did they really?" Ariana asked.

"Maybe. Or maybe they just don't wanna talk to me. I don't really care. I'm just here to make sure you're safe." I said.

Ariana wrapped her arms around my neck.

"That's very sweet. I just wanna go back to my house and watch movies with you all night." She said.

"You know I have a bed time." I told her.

"I know." Ariana said.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"I'm sure the people in there miss you." I said.

"Not as much as I missed you." She said against my shirt.

"I'm in the same room as you." I smiled.

"Yeah, but it's different when you're standing far away from me." Ariana said.

"Alright, how about I'll come back to your place and we can watch one movie? One. Not two." I said.

"It'll be two." Ariana said.

"It will not." I said.

Ariana grabbed the back of my head and brought me down to her. She pecked my lips.

"Two." She said.

"Maybe." I said.

Ariana smiled and let go of me.

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