Trouble in Paradise

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(A/N): CAST VOTE ON UNDERLINED SECTIONS. Putting this here cause I know there are plenty of people who don't read the bottom stuff. There's nothing wrong with that, I'm guilty of it myself.

(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


Blake stared up at the ceiling of her team's dorm room, the darkness a non-issue for her. Yesterday's initiation had been tiring but the weight that bogged down on her had nothing to do with exhaustion or morning sluggishness. Yang was suppose to be her cover, a person to draw attention all the attention. The girl had personality, an air of confidence, and skill all wrapped into one package that screamed leader material.

So why in the world did the headmaster overlook the girl in favor of her?

Blake wasn't so prideful that she didn't recognize her own flaws. She was no leader. She didn't have what it took to bear such a heavy title.

She sat up and peered down from her bunk. Yang, Nora, and Ren were all still sound asleep in their respective beds, Nora's constant and faint snores were all that filled the room.

These three were suppose to depend on her, maybe even look up to her when hardship came knocking. A coward like her, that only ever ran away when the going got tough had to act as the anchor for an entire team. How ironic was that?

With a leap Blake landed on the floor without a sound. She'd have to wake them soon if they wanted time to get breakfast before classes.

She was thinking too hard about this. She'd do the bare minimum her title demanded and if they had any complaints, they were free to take the responsibility as their own.

Any of them would've made a better leader.


Pyrrha adjusted the red ribbon around her collar. Certain aspects of Beacon's official school uniform failed to impress; the shirt and jacket were both far too restrictive and the skirt was just a slight adjustment away from being too short for her tastes; anyone one who wore it without a pair sports shorts beneath or at least the optional stockings that came with them possesed a confidence she lacked. But as she examined herself in the full-body mirror Weiss so kindly allowed them to use, Pyrrha found that she rather liked it.

She looked no different than any other Beacon student. The circlet was the only unique addition she made to the uniform.

With a smile Pyrrha turned to her teammates. That smile fell a bit.

The headmaster assigned Weiss, Ruby, and herself to the same team. Despite being a member short they'd been given a dorm room as big as any other team's which meant they had tons of extra space for the personal items they brought along to the academy. Pyrrha couldn't have asked for a better outcome.

There was just one problem. Their little trio was led by Ruby.

That wasn't an issue for Pyrrha; Ruby had already proved herself capable enough back in the Emerald Forest. Recklessness guided her actions but with time that could be tempered and make Ruby a better leader. Experience made a world of a difference when it came to things like that.

For Weiss on the other hand-

"Alright team! Now that we're ready, let's hit the cafeteria and grab some breakfast." Ruby said. She wore the formal uniform as well though added a much smaller version of the red cloak she wore during initiation and a pair of red headphones around her neck. She lead the way out of their room and into the already bustling halls of the dorm. She never noticed the sour look on Weiss's face or maybe wrote if off as morning grumpiness. Pyrrha would've dome the same if she hadn't picked up change during team announcements. If a goodnight sleep wasn't enough to sooth things over, it's only a matter of time before Weiss made her resentment known.

RWBY: Thicker Than Water Volume 1: Ominous OmensTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang