"I'm sure it wasn't your fault," I reassured Lorna.

I glared down at the man that dared to spit cruel words to Lorna as the man glanced at me, realising who I was.

"P-Prince Loki," the man bowed, causing everyone to look in our direction. "Is this your wife?" the man asked nervously.

I became a deep flush of red as I covered the lower half of my face with my hand. Lorna turned red too as she looked away. However, I quickly composed of myself as I grabbed Lorna's hand.

"I plan to court her," I said while smirking, giving a kiss on Lorna's hand.

Lorna turned even more red as she stared me in the eye.

Some kids came by with flowers as they handed them to Lorna. Lorna gracefully accepted them while being flustered at their gestures. The children wanted to dance as they grabbed Lorna's hand, swaying to the rhythm of the music playing by some other Asgardians. Lorna was shy as she stood their dumbfounded. I chuckled as I joined in as we danced to the music together. I twirled Lorna around and brought her close to me as our faces were inches apart.

Lorna's face flushed red as I smirked. I leaned down towards her as I whispered in her ear.

"Nervous are we?" I whispered lowly while smirking.

-Third Person POV-
Hela and Thor were talking about Loki and his obvious fondness over Lorna.

"So our little brother has fallen in love," Hela muttered.

Thor hummed to himself as they both heard footsteps.

"Talking about others when they aren't around isn't exactly considered nice," Njord said while smirking. "But who am I to judge?"

Hela smirked back at Njord as she asked Njord's opinion on Loki's current relationship with Lorna.

"Hm," Njord hummed. "I believe they are close but I don't think they have an official romantic relationship yet."

"You should flirt with her and see what Loki does," Hela proposed as Njord's face contorted.

"I'd rather not be flirtatious towards a young mortal," Njord admitted.

"Weren't you fascinated with her, come on it's not like your flirtations are gonna be real," Hela scolded.

Njord hummed to himself. "Fine."


Loki and Lorna made it back to the palace. They had fun dancing and visiting various markets around the outside kingdom. Hela was with Njord devising a plan to make Loki jealous so he would admit his feelings to Lorna. Njord wasn't entirely comfortable with flirting with someone who already had a possible love interest, but Hela somehow convinced him.

The plan was set as dinner came. Njord sat in his usual spot next to Hela, however, he made sure to sit across from Lorna. As Hela and Njord were talking about wars they fought in, Njord asked Lorna about her fighting experience. Lorna explained she had fighting experience but she wouldn't say from where. Njord became curious as he said they should spar. Lorna was nervous about fighting someone as strong as Njord.

Njord could see her uncertainty as he decided to provoke her, saying, "Unless you are just too weak to fight me, that's alright."

Lorna gripped the utensil she had in her hand as she smirked. "Oh I'll fight you, but maybe I'll go easy on you."

Njord snorted as he smirked. "Game on."

After dinner Lorna and Njord went to a training room within the palace as Hela, Thor, and Loki followed. Loki materialised Lorna's clothes into activewear as Njord took of his robe, revealing a tight undershirt with a high neck and some baggy pants. Njord noticed Lorna got into a fighting stance as he stayed standing still.

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