Chapter 56.

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The fight wasn't that much of a big deal since I had knocked her out with that punch. I surprised myself with that. 

I sound so narcissistic.

Anyways, we didnt get in much trouble since a teacher was close by and heard what was going on but didnt get their in time to tell Melissa to shut the front door. 

I came out of the bathroom with Fawn by my side. Toby was waiting with the guys in some lunch tables talking and laughing. 

Toby came to my side and grabbed the hand that I had punched Melissa with and kissed my knuckles. 

"Awe, you're too sweet, Toby." I smiled. 

"Am not." Toby argued as we started to walk towards our lockers. 

"Are too." 






"Ha! Tricked yuh!"

"Wait! No! That's so not fair." He whined.

"Lifes not fair." 


"Okay class we have once last presentation and I'm sure you all know who I'm talking about." Mr.N raised his eyebrow and looked at us. "C'mon up Veronica and Toby." 

I let out a sigh and crossed my fingers that I wouldn't fall on my way upfront. Besides me Toby looked calm and relaxed. He's used to attention and lots of people I guess. 

As we stand next to each other I feel more eyes burning in to my soul from the firs time. 

"Uhh- um- o-ka-" I cough and look down at my black t-shirt. Sweat was already running down my face  from all the nerves and the anxiety of people staring at me. Specially with evil looks. 

"My name is Toby Crater and this is my partner Veronica West. We were assigned to each other to this...project about trusting people. It was hard especially if you're not used to trusting or even talking to people who are not your 'squad' or part of your daily life." 


Toby looked at Mr.N. "Do we just say what we know about each other or..." Our teacher nodded. "Okay well to begin with her full name is Veronica Jade West and she has one older brother names Scott and a sister named Nately. Rebecca Sandra West and Robert Mario West are her parents. Her favorite movie is Alice In Wonderland because, and I quote, 'Johnny Depp is life.' 

A deep blush came to my face and i looked down wanting to punch the living-

"Her favorite drink is Dr.Pepper and she like football and soccer. Veronica also likes listening to music everyday when she falls asleep. The Fray, Demi Lovato, Imagine Dragons, and One Direction are her favorite singers slash musical group." 

His tone was so professional as he spoke. It's like he demanded authority from everyone in the room and he was getting it. He almost reminded me of his dad...not the the cruel or disgusting part just the way he speaks and the way he stands with confidence. 

"-and her bestfriend." He smirked and looked at me. "It's John Burt." 

Everybody clapped for him as his part of the presentation finished and mine began. I have the worst memory in the world! Oh Lord help me!

"H-hello. My name i-is Ve-Veronica West and my par-tner was Toby Crater." I gulped down my fears and took a deep breath. Okay if I face the back of the room it will look like I'm talking to them or I can just picture everyone naked...

"Toby has a sister named Hazel-" 


"No...that one is mine! I picked mint and you picked cotton candy." 

We (Toby, Scott, Drew, Dash, Roman, John, Nathan, and I) were at a ice-cream three blocks away from the school. Roman and Drew were fighting on whos is who since they both picked the same thing and the idiots had eaten some of their own to only put it in the same place and get it mixed up. 

"Can both of you guys just shut up!" Nathans slams his hand on the table, making some of the staff and customers turn heads. "Mind you're own business people!" 

"Hey, bro. What's up with you?" Toby pats him on the back. "You seem a little angrier today than usual." 

"I'm fine." He shrugs his shoulders. 

I gave him a look.

"I said I'm fine, dammit." 

"Fine doesn't mean fine. The scale goes: great, good, okay, not okay, I hate you, fine." I backfire on him. 

He lets out a loud grunt and slams his head on the table. "Bastards. I'm good okay? Family problems." He gives me an annoyed look. 

"Oh, whats up?" 

"Nothing big its just that the owner of the house is threatening to kick us out of the house. And we might not have somewhere to stay at by next weak." 

"You could always stay with me." Toby shrugs. 

"Nah, you and your mom have done a lot for us." 

"...You can stay at out place." I shrug its not that big of a deal. Scott is planning to move out and I'm leaving soon..." I look at Toby. 

"Leaving? Where?" Toby puts his spoon down. 

"I'm leaving for college in about four weeks." I tell him. 

He kept quiet for a long time, not dropping eye contact with me. "Were you gonna tell me any of this?" 

Honesty is the best policy. "No, not until a week before I leave." 

Toby threw his ice-cream on the wall and stormed out of the shop with a face full of anger. 

I don't see the big deal! He needs to learn to sit down a listen. 


I'm alive... Uh- Happy Late 4th of July???? 
I'm sorry for the lateness guys. But I have a real bad case of writers block as you can tell from this shitty chapter XC 

IG: a.bdi.c
kik: _abbdiiii_
twitter: abdicamacho1

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