Chapter 29: Gone Wrong

Start from the beginning

Hector activated his gas mask's air dust to give him a boost. As the cops and the Bounty Hunter flipped cars over and pried opened the doors with Sion's sword the paramedics took over to get them the help they needed.

'This was not supposed to happen! These people... weren't supposed to get hurt.'

Hector thought greatly disappointing himself. Hector always made sure that the innocent NEVER get in harm's way. This was only supposed to be a quick little spy mission. Go in and out without being seen. Whoever led Torchwick here... would not go through life easily.

Torchwick would of course get his fair share of pain but in due time which he would be impatiently waiting.
As the last of the people who were hurt were carried into ambulances Hector felt responsible for this. Maybe if he had helped Torchwick then maybe these people wouldn't have gotten hurt.

"Hey Bounty Hunter!" Hector then looked back at detective whom he then put his hand near his revolver.

"If you find who did this I expect his corpse in the lobby." He said before pulling out a cigarette.

"Glady ." Hector replied before leaping off the highway and using his arm bracers grapple hooks to latch underneath the highway where there were service walkways for maintenance.

After several minutes he was at the service tunnels underneath the city going back to his suite to rest.

He planned on visiting Ozpin in the morning to see who was the total dumbass to pull off what they did. He already had pictures of the group so hopefully he would see that they would be royally fucked.

'Damn kids. I'm not even close to being a adult yet I COME UP WITH BETTER PLANS!'

Hector thought as he changed to sleep as he was exhausted. Before going to bed he turned on the news to see what the public knew.

"This is Lisa Lavender reporting live at the aftermath of what witnesses say a large mech running through the streets. We have no reports on how many were injured or died."

'Hopefully no one.' Hector thought as he sat at the edge of his bed.

"From the people who were able to answer some questions off camera, we can say that around twenty five people were injured and from what I've seen myself a family in critical condition."

"FUCK!" Hector yelled in anger as he threw the remote across the room hitting the wall. "I'M GOING TO KILL THOSE DAMN KIDS!"

"However one very interesting development did occur on the scene. Some people say that amongst the chaos, the Mad Bounty Hunter of Remnant himself was helping local law enforcement and firefighters flip vehicles over to help the trapped people inside. Though the paramedics,  police and the firefighters refuse to comment on this claim.

We'll update you on what's happening after a word to our sponsors."

Hector then fell on his back while on his back on his bed looking at the ceiling thinking.

'Maybe I won't ask for that bonus.'

His thoughts were interrupted as his scroll buzzed and saw it was Qrow. Sighing he picked it up which Qrow said,

"You know Jimmy was obvious but now you're all over the news."

"Really??! You don't fucken say!" Hector yelled sarcastically which Qrow shot back.

"Calm down, what exactly happened that led to... that."

"Tomorrow in the morning I'll explain everything. All I can say now is that Ironwood just loves keeping shit in the dark."

"Noted. But now your job might be getting more harder." Qrow said before Hector heard him gulp which Hector knew he was drinking.

"I know! Jesus Christ I'm not stupid."

"Jesus... Christ? Who's that?" Qrow asked which Hector then sat back up straight knowing he fucked up.

"Just some guy in a religion where I'm from. I'm going to bed. If I thought Ironwood was annoying then, I can only imagine tomorrow."

"Alright, night kid."

"I'm not a fucken-"

*Qrow hangs up the scroll

-kid. Fucken alcoholic." Hector murmured under his breath before turning off the TV by hand since he was pretty sure he broke the remote. Placing the blanket over him he began to drift into sleep ignoring tomorrow's annoyances.

Author's Note: One thing that actually pissed me off was that team RWBY led to thousands in dollars worth of damage and injuries in the show. So when they got off scot free and were rewarded by going to Mount Glen I was flabbergasted, shocked and even horrified.

Anyway see you soon!

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