Get Some Sleep

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Friday night, you found yourself getting consumed by playing Sims. You hadn't played it all week due to work, and now was your opportunity. After getting comfy in the office chair with your fuzzy blanket wrapped around you, your eyes were fixated on the screen as the loading screen came up.

Julien had just gotten home from the studio, and it was quite late already. After she kicked her shoes off at the door, she called your name as she walked down the hall.

"Y/N, baby. I'm home."

"In the office." You called back. Your game had finally loaded.

Julien walked to the end of the hall, standing in the doorway. She noticed the game up on the screen and the way you were sitting in the chair.

"Are you spending the night in here?" She joked.

You looked over your shoulder and let out a laugh. "Maybe."

Julien shook her head and walked over to you, kissing the top of your head. "I'm going to head to bed, my love. Promise me you'll get off in a few. I don't want you up all night playing this game."

You looked up at her with a soft smile. "Promise." You said.

Julien smiled and kissed your forehead. She ran her fingers through your hair and gave the top of your head one last kiss before she headed off to get ready for bed. You could hear her moving around as you started to play the game. You glanced at the clock for a second to see it was 11 pm. 'I'll stay on till 12:30' you thought to yourself as you went back to your game.

But like every time you played this game, you didn't live up to your promises. You got consumed with building the perfect family and the perfect house. You spent hours on this game even though it didn't feel like it. You had so much custom content and had a hard time choosing what you wanted to do with the game. Your eyes stayed glued to the screen as you continued the game, the blanket still wrapped around you.

Julien had been asleep for several hours before waking up. She realized you still weren't in bed. When she glanced at the clock it read 3:30 am. 'Oh, my lord' she thought to herself as she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. After slowly standing up, she walked to the office and opened the door.

There you were with your eyes still glued to the screen as you played. You had bags under your eyes and the blanket was still wrapped around you. You had lost track of time.

"Baby?" Julien's voice said softly as she moved closer to you.

"Hm? Sorry, I'm almost done." You said, eyes still fixated on the screen. Your hand hadn't moved from the mouse on the desk.

"Baby, it's 3:30 in the morning. I think you've played enough." Julien's voice was tired but also stern.

"I'll be done soon." Julien's words had just gone in one ear and out the other.

Julien sighed, putting her hand on top of yours. She moved the mouse to pause the game and saved it. Your eyes still stayed on the screen as you watched. Julien shut the game off and moved you away from the desk.

"Come on baby, I'll cuddle you to sleep."

You rubbed your eyes, now realizing you were tired. Julien took your hand as she guided the two of you to bed. After getting you comfortable in your spot, she moved over to her side of the bed and laid down next to you. She pulled you close, letting your head rest on her chest. The sound of her heartbeat started to lull you to sleep. You tried to fight it, not wanting to sleep just yet. Julien noticed, rubbing your back softly.

"Go to sleep love. I'll be here when you wake up."

You nodded and felt Julien leave a kiss on your forehead before your eyes shut, falling asleep almost instantly. Julien stayed up for a bit to make sure you were sound asleep before she closed her eyes as well.

A few hours later, you woke up at around 8 am. Julien was still sound asleep and snoring softly next to you. Her hair was sprawled out on the pillow with her mouth was slightly parted. She looked like an angel. Carefully, you slipped out of bed and made your way into the office, sitting in the desk chair and resuming the game you had been previously playing. You got lost in the game again for a few hours until Julien woke up.

When she realized you weren't next to her again, she let out a soft sigh as she got up from the bed. She yawned and stretched before making her way to the office.

She stood in the doorway with her arms crossed and a stern look.

"Babe?" She said. Her voice was stern but also soft.

Your head snapped in her direction, and you felt a bit nervous from her gaze.

"Oh, hey baby." You said softly.

Julien cocked an eyebrow at you. "Babe, are you seriously playing again? You played a lot last night."

You shrugged. "It's fun."

Julien shook her head with a sigh. "I know it's fun my love, but you need to learn how to limit your time. It's not healthy to be playing for hours on end."

You nodded with a small pout. "I know."

Julien walked over to you and wrapped her arms around you, kissing the top of your head. "I love you; you know that right?"

You nodded, letting a hand rest on Julien's arm that was wrapped around you. "Yeah. I love you too."

Julien smiled softly. "Alright, let's make a deal. You can play Sims for another half hour and then that's it till tomorrow. Deal?"

You nodded. "Deal."

After your half hour was up, Julien made breakfast for the two of you guys and you both sat at the kitchen table enjoying each other's company.

"I'm going to start setting a timer, so you don't play so much. You need your sleep baby." Julien said softly.

You nodded in agreement. You were quite addicted to Sims when given the time and opportunity to play. But Julien was right, it did compromise your sleep.

"I love you Y/N."

You smiled softly. "I love you too Jules."

Julien leaned over and gave you a quick peck on the lips. "Alright, let's get out of the house and do something."

You nodded in agreement. After all, it was a beautiful day outside. You knew with Julien's help; you would limit the amount of time you spent glued to the screen playing Sims.

Now you just needed to limit your time watching TikToks on your phone.
I'm definitely guilty of doing this when I don't have work lol. Anyways hope you enjoyed.


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