Chapter 34: White Lies

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For a moment, I was confused. For a moment, I thought I misunderstood the question. Then it dawned on me.

"I wasn't targeting you." I said. "I swear- I had no idea who you were the night I met you."

"The night you met me?" Jax raised his eyebrow along with his voice. "What about all the other nights? When did you figure out who I was?"


"The night I told you?" Jax asked, prompting himself with his hands. "Before you slept with me? Did you know who I was when you slept with me?"

I gaped like a fish, realising this was the part of the conversation I dreaded the most.

"Tell me."

"I knew." I spat out. "Before I slept with you. I figured it out when I saw your wallet. It's a sign, a line and a circle – stake and sun."

Jax laughed – a surface-level, weak laugh, "Great. That's great."

"I'm sorry-"

"No." Jax met my gaze. "I'm sorry. About all of this."

My shoulders slumped.

"I'm going to ask you one more time." He said. "Why did you target me?"


"Odette." The way he said my name made me want to cry. "Tell me the truth."

"I wasn't targeting you." I said, trying to contain my emotions in the painful lump in my throat and the twist in my stomach. "Lucia and I stumbled upon evidence that vampire hunters exist, and I was planning to use that information to talk to my father."

Jax's brows furrowed, "So... you're really not talking to your family?"

"They're not talking to me." I corrected. "I was broke, and Lucia desperately needed the money because the doctor taking care of her blackmailed us. I was planning to get back into my father's good graces, so he'd give me back my inheritance. I could pay off the doctor, and take care of Lucia."

Understanding flashed in Jax's eyes, adding them a touch of gentleness I so desperately needed right now. He composed himself quickly.

"Did it work?"

"No." I sighed. "There are strict rules when it comes to talking to the Chief, and I needed a green light from Dorian."

"Ah." A mocking smile gripped Jax's lips. "There lies the rub."

I swallowed an iron taste on my tongue, "Dorian didn't let me talk to my father, and I figured out pretty quickly that you two didn't like each other, so I was planning on finding out why you hated him and using that against him."

Jax hummed, "I was hoping I was at least a part of some grand vampire scheme, and not just a tool in your agendas against Dorian."

"I was just trying to help Lucia, I swear."

That, at least, was the truth.

"What happened?"

"It all boiled over." I muttered. "So, I went to Dorian and told him the truth. I told him what happened to Luce, and he agreed to help."

"If he's so generous, why wouldn't he help you before?"

"He was doubting my intentions."

"Like I am now?"

Our gazes met. I didn't need to ask him to elaborate.

"I assume this ball you went to was hosted by your family."

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