The Merge

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Authors note:Yes I'm bringing this story back :D it's been a long time I'm really sorry just not been feeling like writing but I'm back but who fucking cares about me time for storyyyyyyy

Dreams P.o.v

I was walking down the road hands in my hoodie pocket, then a bright light flashes and people actually appear wtf is going on Jesus Christ.
"Umm where are we sir?" A robot looking guy asked me
"Uhh in Florida?"
"Shit idk where we are at never heard of Florida" A blonde on said
"Ummm it's in the Us?" I was so fucking confused who are these guys what are they here for why am I the first person they see why?
"Ya we don't know where we are we aren't from here" a spikey hair brunet said
"Umm can we stay at urs"A black haired girl ask
"Sure but idk how Sap or George will react to me taking people home-" What was going on like seriously come on now someone help me out
"Hey umm I'm kinda hungry where is a food place" a black haired boy asked I sigh
"Down the road from here"
"Oh thanks sir what's your name" a brunet boy asked
"What's with the mask" an old man asked me
"I don't show my face often"
"I'm Wu" the old man said
"I'm jay" the brunet said
"I'm Lloyd" the blonde said
"I'm nya" said the black hair girl
"I'm Zane" the robot said
"I'm Kai" said the spikey brunet
"I'm cole" said the black hair boy
"Uhh nice to meet you ig" I say still not knowing who they are not where they came from or who they got here
"Can you show us where a restaurant is?" Said Cole I sigh again
"Yes I can follow me" I put my hands back in my pockets and began Walking towards the restaurant looking down as I did I knew the streets pretty well since I was raised here I look up after a few minutes and sure enough there it was
"So do you guys have money or do I need to pay?" I asked them not that I would be offended to have to pay for them it's just I wanted to make sure because you never know
"Sorry we don't" Lloyd said
"That's alright I'll pay for you buy how much of whatever you want" I say grabbing my wallet have expecting for one of them to grab it they order I pay and go off into thought to pass time
"Dream" a familiar voice says

Ya want me to keep uploading this I will if y'all want

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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