Chapter 12

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There was a rumour spreading around a particular Yakuza group - the Shie Hisaikai. The leader of the group had been hospitalized and his right hand man Kai Chisaki aka Overhaul took over the organization.
The Shie Hisaikai was linked with the production of a new quirk destroying bullets, though they hadn't been caught red-handed. That was what the Hero Safety Commission were currently trying to tackle. Stain had been charged with keeping surveillance on them and Izuku was to get a sample of whatever they were manufacturing. It wasn't easy as the Yakuza were a tight knit and secretive group who rarely ever showed signs of activity. Through all the interrogation Izuku was able to locate the base - or at least the drug factory, and his discovery was horrifying to say the least.
"So this is the quirk destroying bullet. It looks like it's made of blood" the commissioner said inspecting it.
"That's because it is" Izuku said..
The commissioner stopped observing the bullet and looked to him.
"And whose blood is that?"
"The granddaughter of their former leader. A girl, about 5 or 6" Izuku said with disgust.
"You're positive of this? If so then this is a serious crime" the commissioner said.
"I found a couple of CCTV footage of their experiments on her. Overhaul uses his quirk ... I think it's better you watch it yourself" he said dropping the flash on the desk.
"And the facility?"
"Destroyed. No one left alive" Izuku said in a firm tone. This time he regretted nothing. They deserved to die, and Overhaul even worse.
"Very good. You're dismissed"
Izuku left the room and the commissioner plugged in the flash to watch the footage.

A few days later the Hero Safety Commission arranged a meeting where a raid on the Shie Hisaikai base was organized. However not all saw the brightest outcome.
"And what about the girl in question? I've been working on this case for a while and I won't let you ruin everything" Nighteye said firmly.
"Not to worry. The commission will handle her safe extraction" the commissioner said.
"And how exactly is that supposed to happen? They have a ton of security measures to get through. I still say we bide more time" Nighteye insisted.
"I assume you are all aware of the recent rescue of two UA students from the league of villains?"
The all nodded.
"The same person that has been uncovering their secrets, the same person that rescued those students is the same person tasked to safely extract her from the facility"
"And who might that he?" Nighteye asked sceptically.
"Izuku Midoriya"
The room went silent until one person spoke. "Isn't he just a kid?"
"A kid that has been the sole reason the league of villains are currently in a roadblock, the same kid that infiltrated the Shie Hisaikai base and returned with the samples of the weapon they were producing. If any of you in this room can achieve any of that I'd like to see how you go about it" the commissioner said looking around. The doubters backed off as they really couldn't argue with the facts. "And will he be going alone?"
"Yes. He's most effective on his own. With his quirk it's almost too easy to get in and out of that place"
They didn't have any other arguments so it was decided that as soon as Izuku had rescued Eri then the raid would begin. The only students involved in the raid were those that were working with the associated heroes, this being the big 3, Kirishima, Uraraka and Tsuyu. The rest were kept in the dark about the situation so as to prevent unnecessary spread of rumours. After the meeting the only thing left to do was to wait on Izuku.

It had been two days since the meeting and the organized raid and Izuku's mission to rescue Eri. He had a hard time finding her exact location as all the leads he had lead to dead ends. However luck was on his side that night as he managed to stumble upon Overhaul himself in a part of town that he never thought he'd find him in.
"What's he doing with the league of villains?" Izuku asked himself jumping down from the roof and following him into the building.
Inside there was Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Twice and Mr Compress who was missing an arm.
"Overhaul. I'm glad you took the time to consider my offer" Shigaraki said.
Overhaul coughed and looked around in slight annoyance.
"This place is filthy. Could you have picked a worse meeting spot?"
Shigaraki grinned. "I'm sorry your not accustomed to the life of a crook, but we won't be taking much of your time. Did you bring them?"
Overhaul threw a case at him in response.
"I'm only doing this because All for One is involved, otherwise I would rather be dead than caught working with you" he said walking away.
"Soon Overhaul ... Very soon" Shigaraki said as Overhaul left the building. Unbeknownst to them all Izuku had recorded the entire meetup and was hitching a ride on Overhaul to his base. Overhaul obliviously carried Izuku into the Shie Hisaikai base and straight to Eri's room.
The girl tensed and began to tremble seeing him enter the room. Overhaul dropped a couple of things for her before leaving and shutting the door behind him. Eri almost screamed when she felt a hand on her and she got up in a panic to see a masked man.
Izuku slowly took off his mask and smiled at her. For some reason the glowing emerald green eyes of the boy in front of her made her feel safe.
"I'm here to rescue you" he whispered. The girl scared for her own life couldn't just agree to follow a stranger, but his voice sounded so reassuring to her that she timidly nodded and walked slowly over to him. Izuku held out his arm to her and she grabbed it.
"Don't be scared. I promise I'm not here to hurt you" he said to her as slowly they shrunk until they were barely visible to the naked eye.
She looked around shocked at the sudden change of size of the entire building. It seemed to stretch on forever. Izuku gently picked her up.
"Let's get out of here"

"Boss! Boss!" one of the Yakuza members shouted running towards Overhaul.
"What is it now?" he asked irritated.
The man paused not knowing how he would react to the news.
"It's Eri ... she's gone" he managed to whisper out.
Overhaul stopped what he was doing and turned to the man.
"Is that some kind of joke? What do you mean she's gone?"
"It's true boss. I went in to check on her and she wasn't there" the man said. Overhaul got up and ran to the room to see for himself. True to the man's words the room was completely empty.
"Who's supposed to be watching her?!" he barked. Another man stepped forward in terror.
"I swear boss I was here the entire ti-"
Overhaul turned him to a stain on the wall before he could finish his defense.
"Clean that up ... We have to find her as soon as possible" he said walking away only to be called out to.
"Boss! The base is under attack! It's the heroes!"
In a panic he began to make his way deeper into the base but was cut off by a gut punch that sent him flying into the wall.
"H-h-how did you heroes get in here?" he wheezed out. Mirio got into a fighting stance.
"Surrender now and turn yourself in. You've done horrible things to an innocent child and you should pay for your actions"
Overhaul laughed and sent massive spikes at Mirio who phased through them and rushed at Overhaul. They began a game of cat and mouse where Mirio would avoid an attack and then land a hit. Overhaul split the room to create more space between him and his opponent but Mirio went right through the wall yet again. Two of Overhaul's goons came running into the fight to help out their leader.
"Both of you get over here!" he barked at them. He suddenly grabbed them and began using his quirk to fuse all their bodies into one grotesque monster with huge limbs.
"Die Hero!!" he shouted as the ground began to morph and bend to his will. Mirio using float jumped into the air and sent a bunch of blackwhip tendrils at Overhaul who tore through them and jumped at Mirio. Mirio evaded him but jumped back as a wave of pure evil saturated the air.
His body hairs began to tingle as All for One himself stepped out of the darkness.
"You've done well Chisaki, but I'm afraid this is where I come in"
Mirio was about to charge at him but All for One used a powerful blast of air to blow him back. What Mirio didn't expect was for one of the bullets Overhaul manufactured to hit him in the air. He winced in pain and then in horror realizing that he was hit with a quirk destroying bullet.
All for One used the momentary lapse in Mirio's concentration to land a devastating hit to him sending him flying out of the building.
"I sense One for All within you, however now is not yet the time to take the quirk. You'll see me again heroes" he said stepping through a portal as the heroes began to surround him. Overhaul was captured and immediately dispatched to Tartarus. Mirio was given immediate treatment and diagnosis. All Might truly was scared to think One for All may be gone, but luckily, or unluckily only Mirio's original permeation quirk was destroyed, meaning One for All was still alive in him.
"I'm sorry All Might. I failed" Mirio said defeated.
"No. You did what you could. We'll work harder and next time we'll defeat him, the both of us" All Might said reassuringly to his successor.
Back in the Hero Safety Commission Izuku was praised for yet another successful mission and was given some time off, that is after one last mission.
"And that would be?" he asked.
"Infiltrate Tartarus and eliminate Kai Chisaki" the commissioner said.
"Understood" Izuku replied and headed for the door.

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