Chapter 1

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Izuku Midoriya sat in his seat looking up to the boy in front of him. Katsuki Bakugo looked down at his long time enemy with rage and hatred. He absolutely hated Izuku Midoriya and everything he was related with.
"Is something wrong Bakugo?" Izuku asked calmly. The blond slammed a palm down on his table.
"You've been taking all the attention ever since we began this crappy school. And I'm tired of it, I won't stay beneath you any longer".
Izuku looked at him and sighed. Again? "And what exactly should I do to fix that problem?"
Bakugo grinned before answering in a cocky tone. "Fight me! I'll crush you and take my place at the very top"
Izuku looked at him in a funny way before replying. "Fighting isn't allowed in school. We'll only get ourselves in trouble, and besides we both know what'll happen if I agreed to fight you"
Bakugo growled at him as his palms began glowing ominously.
"You better watch yourself you little shit. I'm coming for you"
"Hey leave Izuku-kun alone" a girl said walking towards them.
Bakugo grunted and backed off saying it wasn't over.
"Was he bothering you?" the girl asked with a smile.
"Not really, you know how he is. Thank you by the way Mika-chan" Izuku said smiling at the girl. Said girl proceeded to blush and run to her friends who all squealed in joy.
'I will never understand girls' Izuku thought to himself.
Izuku was packing his stuff for the day when Bakugo and his lackeys walked in. Izuku sighed knowing that the blond would keep pushing him if he didn't do something about it.
"Fine. Follow me" Izuku said in a very neutral voice. He silently walked out of the class and the school grounds with his opponents following closely behind. When they were out of public view Izuku put his bag down and turned to them. "This is your last chance to back out. I really don't like fighting"
Bakugo laughed at this. "You really think that I'd back out now that I have you cornered? You're dead nerd!"
Izuku looked down and sighed
"I guess there's no other way. Come at me"
Bakugo rushed at him with a right hook, Izuku ducked under and touched Bakugo's arm. Bakugo's arm suddenly shrunk until it looked like it wasn't there. His goons stepped back in fear. Bakugo roared with rage
"Give me my arm back!!"
Izuku dodged a kick and shrunk his other arm to the same size.
"It should wear off in two hours, but you already know that. See ya" Izuku said picking up his bag and walking past the armless Bakugo.
"This isn't over!" the blond shouted in defiance.
"Sure it isn't" Izuku said walking away.
Izuku walked into his house to see two men in suits in the living room with his mother. She looked a bit tired and slightly annoyed.
"Is anything the matter?" he asked in a very serious tone. The men didn't show any emotions though their body language became a bit disturbed.
"We only came to ask why you used your quirk again, and on the same person yet again" one of them spoke up. Izuku calmed down and replied
"He's always trying to rile me up, so I think a lesson once in a while wouldn't be harmful to him"
The men nodded before handing him a phone.
"Hello Izuku. I presume you didn't do anything too over the top?" a woman's voice asked.
"No I didn't ma'am. I do apologize for breaking the rules, but I'm positive that if you meet the kid you'll understand"
"Very well. Putting that aside you are aware of the UA entrance exams, you need to push harder in your training because you'll be taking the recommendation exams which are considerably harder than the regular exam. Good luck and I hope to see your progress"
With that the call ended and the two men bid them goodbye.
"You didn't hurt him too much did you?" Inko asked looking curiously at her son.
"No mom. I only shrunk his arms like last time. He looks like a dinosaur now - and certainly has the attitude of one"
They both laughed at the joke and headed to the dinner table.
'UA entrance exams huh?' he thought to himself.
About two years have passed and we see a black haired boy with green eyes walking into the UA campus. Izuku looked around and noted that the place was huge. He was directed to the hall where the recommended participants were to gather in. Apparently he was late as he walked in during the explanation of the exam. He took note that they weren't much - about 12 in number.
Present Mic who was explaining to the students took no notice of the boy that just walked in, and Izuku picked a seat and sat down.
"You're pretty late" a girl with dark green hair whispered.
"I know" he replied absentmindedly.
Izuku looked around to look to scout out the competition. The majority of them didn't look too imposing, except for a large boy with short black hair, and another with half red half white hair. The written portion began and it didn't take long for Izuku to get through. The Public Safety Commission not only trained him physically but mentally put him through the ringer. It was part of their criteria for the 'ideal hero' or whatever. All he really wanted to do deep down was help people, no matter what he had to do, as long as innocent people were happy and safe he would too. He did have to wait a while longer for the other students to finish. Finally the practical portion of the exam began as a black haired man walked into the room.
"Good day. My name is Shota Aizawa, and I'll be your proctor for this part of the examination. All you have to do is impress me, though that may not be easy, but if you can get my approval you're pretty much set. Follow me" he said tiredly as he led them to the testing site.
Izuku had a flash of recognition.
'Eraserhead! I knew he looked familiar'. Aizawa stopped at the entrance of the mock city and turned to the candidates.
"I'll be stopping here. In there you'll have to prove your strength, basically you'll be fighting special opponents specifically designed for this event. I wish you the best of luck, and be safe" he said as the alarms rang indicating the start of the exam.
"Here we go" Izuku said excitedly stretching.

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