Chapter 10

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The news of the attack put UA under extreme scrutiny by the press and the public - especially with the actual capture of two students. UA made a statement assuring them that they were on the case and even All Might had to step in to take the heat off the school admistration. The students were also tense, some scared for what their classmates were going through at the hands of those villains. Izuku was pissed, pissed beyond reason.
Why was Aoyama doing this? What was his end goal? He had enough of all these attacks and decided it was time to expose him once and for all.
In a short while a meeting between the school board and the students of 1a was arranged. Nezu began the meeting by addressing the students and assuring them that their classmates would be rescued.
"Moving on. We would like to welcome Izuku Midoriya to the stage".
Izuku walked onto the stage and his classmates could see that he was very angry.
"First off I would like to apologize for failing in my duties as the class president. Had i been there sooner maybe this wouldn't have happened, but with that said I'd like to address the elephant in the room. Ever since we began school here our lives have been constantly endangered, attack after attack. It's almost as if they know exactly what the school's syllabus is. Where we're going, and when we're there. This could only mean one thing ... there's a traitor among us"
The room became silent and the air thick with tension.
Izuku continued. "I had been looking through the situation ever since the USJ, and have gathered enough evidence to prove that one of us is not on our side"
"Wait you mean someone in our class is doing this?!" Kirishima asked in shock.
"Unfortunately that's the case. And that person ... is Yuga Aoyama" he says locking eyes with the boy.
"A-aoyama?! No way! It has to be a joke ... right?" Toru asked. Izuku's facial expression showed no signs of deceit.
"If you don't believe me, then these should convince you just fine" he said scrolling through a bunch of pictures, and with each passing slide the reality dawned on them.
"My question for you Aoyama ... Is why? Why would you do all this?" Izuku asked in a firm tone. The boy broke down and began to cry.
"I-i'm sorry! I had no choice ... If I didn't do it ... he'll kill my mother!" he said in fright.
"All for One" Izuku said in a low voice, but Nezu and All Might were close enough to hear it. Aoyama was taken in for further questioning and the class was left in shock.
"I can't believe this..." Uraraka said.
Izuku was called to the principals office, entering he saw both Nezu and All Might with serious faces on.
"How do you know that name?" Nezu asked.
"All for One? I don't know much about him, only that he's the real big bad out there"
"And where did you hear this from?"
"Stain" Izuku replied with a straight face.
"You must be mistaken, Stain is dead" All Might continued.
"I'll let you both in on a little secret. Stain is alive, and I work for the Hero Safety Commission. I'm only telling you this so you don't lump me in with All for One or the League of Villains. You can confirm with the commissioner if what I'm saying is true. Besides who do you think supplied the intel on the League of Villains and their members?" Izuku asked with a small smirk.
They both widened their eyes in realization.
"But you're just a kid" All Might said in surprise.
"True, but if it's for peace I'm willing to take the risk. I've been working with Stain, the commission hired him as a spy. If it's not too much I ask that this stays between us, if my cover is blown then it's all over"
They both nodded and told him he could leave.
"Also, you should be expecting Bakugo and Tokoyami by this evening" he said closing the door.

"Screw you! I'm no villain" Bakugo snarled at Shigaraki. The villain gave a small laugh.
"You certainly act like one. You're quick to anger, have destructive tendencies, have a god complex and you have a dangerous quirk to boot. You're perfect"
Bakugo spat in his face making him jump back in surprise. Shigaraki annoyed wiped his face and turned to Tokoyami.
"And how about you? Have you thought about my offer?"
The bird boy glared at Shigaraki.
"I would never join your fiendish cause"
Shigaraki got up and began to walk away. "We'll speak about this later"
He shut the door behind him leaving the both of them alone in the room.
They looked around them trying to find any possible way of escape.
"There are only a few tiny airholes through the entire room" Tokoyami said. Bakugo growled in response. This was frustrating. A suddenly thud caught their attention.
"Yo" Izuku said landing next to them.
They looked at him shocked.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Bakugo asked in a harsh whisper.
"To rescue you obviously. I couldn't just leave you guys here"
He tapped them and they all shrunk down to a size small enough that they could escape.
"Once again I owe you Midoriya" Tokoyami said as they exited the building.
"Yeah ... Thanks" Bakugo gritted out.
"It's my job. I'm the class president after all, you guys missed alot, I'll tell you about on the way back" he said getting slightly more serious.
Because of their size it took them quite a while to reach UA, but not too long.
"So Aoyama is a traitor?" Tokoyami asked in disbelief.
"Yes, but I believe he was blackmailed into it. He was really scared" Izuku said looking down.
"How did you find us?" Bakugo asked addressing the issue.
"I have my ways" Izuku replied absentmindedly. Bakugo and Tokoyami weren't satisfied with the answer, but what could they do? He just rescued them.
As they walked in the class was there waiting for them, alongside Aizawa, Nezu and All Might.
It was quite a shock for the students.
"Midoriya you're so manly!!" Kirishima exclaimed with tears of joy.
Izuku just laughed it off.
"You really did it" All Might said still in disbelief.
"I told you I would, with my quirk it was a piece of cake"
"But still ... To go into such a place on your own takes alot of courage" Aizawa said.
"Anything for my classmates. It's my job" Izuku replied.
Nezu sighed. This kid would probably kill himself if it was his classmates involved, but at least they were all safe.
Back in the villain base
"Where the hell did they go?!" Shigaraki screamed shattering a glass bottle on the counter. He just stepped out for a few minutes only to come back and find that his hostages had somehow escaped. His skin began to bleed because of how hard he was scratching himself.
"Calm down Tomura. This is only a minor bump in the road, there's still alot left to do" All for One said through the monitor.
"Very well master"

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