Chapter 5

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The first event ended in quite a shock for everyone. From the get go Bakugo could tell something was off. From the moment Izuku disappeared out of sight he could feel him winning somehow, and that's when it clicked.
"That cheating bastard!! I'll kill him!!"
The gunshot was heard and he blasted out of the hallway before Todoroki could freeze him in place. The ice user quickly followed after his opponent in pursuit of first place. Izuku was already halfway around the course and approaching the minefield. Being tiny had it's advantages, firstly the zero points didn't even notice him and secondly he could run across the rope without risk of falling, but it also meant he was pretty slow compared to normal sized humans. Although it wouldn't matter as he was happily skipping through the mines not even setting them off though he stepped on them. It didn't take long from there to reach the finish line and he regrew back to normal size.
The crowd cheered, but most were confused as they never saw Izuku in the race. He smirked to himself, he did cheat but what's done was done.
He left for the waiting rooms and soon enough Bakugo and Todoroki came stomping in both glaring at him.
"You really had to stoop so low to beat me?"
"I've beaten you many times. What difference does it make if I don't play fair?". Bakugo growled at him but there was nothing he could do until the actual fights.
"Just you wait. You will lose today" he said taking a seat. The others came in eventually and soon enough the second event began. Izuku was awarded with a 10 million point headband gaining the attention of all who were against him.
His team consisted of himself, Uraraka, Tokoyami and Mei Hatsume, a student from the support course.
Izuku's simple solution was to shrink the headband until it was small enough to wrap around his finger. Todoroki wisely decided against attacking him and opting to take out other teams. Bakugo did try but even he too had to see that it was a pointless fight. Why fight for something you can't see?
The calvary battle eventually ended with Izuku's team winning retaining the headband. The eliminated teams were taken out and the draws for the 1v1 fights were held. This was the main event. The students were given time to rest and recuperate.
In the waiting room the class was tense. Todoroki suddenly got up and walked to Izuku.
"You probably think you're the strongest in the class, but I'll prove you wrong, and I'll do it with half my power"
The class saw this coming, these two would have faced off sooner or later.
Izuku had no expression on his face.
"Good luck ... You'll need it" he said as he walked out.
His walk to the arena was quiet thinking about his possible opponents. First was Hitoshi Shinso, a general studies student with a brainwash quirk. He had taken a good chunk of his training time reading up on all the students that were participating. And seeing Shinso his game plan would probably be provocation. Unfortunately Izuku was his opponent, and his training made him resistant to such tactics.
Shinso was already outside waiting for Izuku preparing to beat him and shock the world.
"It's an honor to be graced by your presence" he said sarcastically. Izuku smiled and waved much to his annoyance.
"What? Don't think I'm good enough for a response? People like you are the reason I'm not in the hero course. You think you run the show, and everyone else is just a side character"
Izuku said nothing but extended his arm and simply punched Shinso out of the ring.
"I know all about your quirk, unlike others I'm not cocky enough not to read up on my opponents before a fight" Izuku said looking down at Shinso. The boy grit his teeth and looked down in disappointment.
"Don't be so bummed out. Work out a bit and trust me with your quirk you'll be an awesome hero. And besides, we'll have a rematch someday right?" Izuku said extending his hand.
"Right ... I'll hold you to that" Shinso said accepting the handshake.
Both students walked off and the next fight was announced. The first round wasn't anything too crazy, except Todoroki going way overboard against Sero and Bakugo's hounding on Uraraka. The next round of matches were drawn and the long awaited Todoroki vs Midoriya fight was shown. Both boys walked onto the arena in dead silence. The air was thick and heavy around them.
Midnight moved out of the firing zone and called the match.
Immediately Todoroki used the same attack he did with Sero only to a larger extent hoping to end it all in one fell swoop. It actually seemed like he won until the ice vanished revealing an unfazed Midoriya.
Todoroki shot another ice wave at Midoriya except this time they were smashed by giant boulders that appeared out of nowhere. He stepped back in shock.
"Wondering where these came from? I grabbed a handful of sand on my way here, so your ice is not a problem!" Izuku yelled launching another wave of boulders at Todoroki who had to block with an ice wall, but even that quickly shattered under the constant barrage. It stopped and Izuku had disappeared. He copped a punch to the jaw from said boy that sent him tumbling to the other side of the ring. This fight wasn't going as he planned.
"It's probably not my place to tell you this, but you need to go all out. Use your fire, if not for anything but for the sake of winning ... If not then you shouldn't be a hero"
These words hit Todoroki deep and his life flashed before his eyes. All his dreams of being a hero like All Might, his mother's words. They sparked something within him, and that spark ignited into a raging torrent of flames.
"SHOTOOO!!!" Endeavor yelled in pride. Izuku grinned, finally he was taking this seriously.
"No more playing around!" he said rushing at Todoroki who launched a wave of fire at him. He used another boulder to tank the attack and kicked him in the side sending him back even more towards the edge. His instincts kicked in and he jumped back as the heat from Todoroki increased.
"I see now Midoriya ... thank you for showing me the truth" he said as he prepared his final attack. He sent ice and fire simultaneously at his Izuku, who decided it was time to finish it as well. The initial ice glacier that Todoroki sent at him was hurled back about three times larger than it's original size clashing with the attack sent by his opponent. The teachers had to set barriers to prevent any civilian damage. The explosion was massive and the air was filled with steam. A loud rumble was heard as it revealed Todoroki pinned on the other side of the wall by his own ice glacier, and Izuku standing in the middle of the ring.
"IZUKU MIDORIYA IS THE WINNER!!!" Present Mic yelled over the speakers. The crowd roared in awe of possibly the greatest fight in the school's history. Izuku stumbled a bit, that did take some stamina off him but nothing that would ruin his chances.
He was going to win this, and no one would stand in his way.

Katsuki Bakugo was many things. Loud, cocky, and strong enough to back up what he said, but right now he was in doubt. For the first time in his life he doubted his own ability. Everytime he faced off against Izuku he lost, he just couldn't find a way around it. Izuku had a more powerful quirk, he had better training, he was smarter. Bakugo really couldn't see a way past this literal mountain in his path to becoming number 1. He couldn't help but feel helpless around him, and that was why he acted harshly towards him. Why was he even thinking like this? He was Katsuki Bakugo, and he never backed down. His way was always to fight, and he wasn't going to stop now, not ever!
"Begin!" Midnight called as Bakugo launched at his opponent. Izuku dodged the right hook which was Bakugo's signature startup and rolled under an explosion. He jumped back and launched a wave of boulders at Bakugo who dodged or smashed through them. Izuku had saved up alot of things for this fight. If Bakugo wanted to go out in a blaze of glory then so be it.
"AP SHOT! AUTOCANNON!" Bakugo yelled revealing his brand new move to the shock of everyone. He had to evolve if he was going to beat Izuku.
Izuku was impressed and his facial expression showed it.
Bakugo began to attack Izuku with new move after new move, it was like a different Bakugo showed up for that match. Izuku still had the advantage in close quarters due to his ability to shrink and grow almost instantly making him virtually impossible to hit. Bakugo jumped into the air in frustration. He began to rotate rapidly as a tornado of heat and dust spun around him.
"If a mountain's too big to climb over ... YOU BLOW RIGHT THOUGH IT!!! HOWITZER IMPACT!!!"
Izuku enlarged the rocks around him making an actual mountain of stone as Bakugo's tornado tore through and collided with the floor destroying the entire arena. The dust cleared after a few minutes and showed that Bakugo was knocked out unconscious in the arms of a giant Izuku who shrunk back down to size. The crowd went wild wondering how lucky they were to watch two legendary battles in succession. Izuku was announced as the winner of the sports festival, and he smiled to himself knowing he had accomplished his goal. Another step to becoming the greatest hero.

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