Chapter 7

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The Hero Safety Commission was thoroughly impressed with Izuku's performance in the mission to recruit the hero killer, and expressed this in granting him a provisional license.
They also set up a scene and it was announced all over the news that the hero killer had died in the Hosu attack. The populace was relieved that such a monster was finally gone - little did they know that said monster was going to be protecting them while they slept. Stain was all too welcoming of the idea. It would even take him off Shigaraki's radar. Speaking of which he gave all the information he knew about the league to the Hero Safety Commission and the location of their immediate base and their future plans.
"We'll have to keep an eye on them. For now surveillance is the best option, report any development immediately"
Both nodded and Izuku left to get ready for school.
"You know, the kid is really special. I've never met anyone with such a strong sense of heroism" Stain said.
The chairwoman nodded with a smile. "Indeed he is, and with our help he'll become even greater"

School resumed after the Hosu event and fortunately nothing serious webt down. Endeavor and Manual were credited with the taking down of the Nomu and Iida was released from the hospital. He now deeply regretted his actions and apologized not only to his brother but Manual as well. The class was rather exciting today as most were picking their hero names. There were quite some names, some cool, some lame ... and then there was Lord Explosion Murder. Izuku's turn was next as he placed down the plaque given to him.
Hero name : Hit
"That's actually pretty cool" Kaminari said.
The others had mixed opinions about it, some thought he needed a flashier name so he'd stand out more, but Izuku maintained. Later that day a race was held to see how well they improved over the course of their internships. It wasn't anything crazy, just a friendly obstacle course.
They were told about their final exams, and what it meant for them.
They had alot of studying to do. And for Izuku alot of missions as well.

Stain sighed from the top of the building he was on. It was pretty boring watching the league of villains bicker like kids. Izuku agreed as well. He had shrunk them both to spec size to avoid getting discovered.
"I can't believe they don't have a sensor type quirk. It's as just as effective as any other quirk" Izuku said in an amused voice.
"Yeah, but that's because their leader is an immature man child with the tendency to throw a tantrum every now and then"
They both laughed at this but kept shut as a voice echoed through the room. It was smooth, chilling.
"Master" Shigaraki said getting up.
"No need to fuss Tomura, I only wanted to check on your progress. I hope your recruitment is going well"
"Yes master. Though it's unfortunate that the hero killer had to die, he would've been very useful to the team"
The man on the monitor laughed.
"Indeed, but as long as it takes for you to be ready I will give my support" with that the feed cut off.
"Who do you think that is?" Izuku asked. Stain looked shocked.
"I didn't think he was still alive. I thought he died"
"Who is that?" Izuku asked again.
"All for One. Come one kid, we need to report this as soon as possible" Stain said getting up. Izuku got up and followed him knowing that if Stain was this serious then it couldn't be a good thing.
'All for One...'

The final exams came by in no time and to the students surprise they were up against their teachers. There was a rumour about it being against robots like in the entrance exams but that was quickly abolished. After the written portion the students all went out to their respective exam sites to face off against a faculty member.
Izuku was paired up with Bakugo and they were up against All Might. He wasn't sure how the team dynamic between them would be but in all honesty he wasn't keen on fighting All Might. That would be too taxing and he had a mission later that night. The toll of living two lives were taking their toll on him as his eyes were dull and he had dark circles around his eyes, but it was all for peace and he wouldn't have it any other way.
Bakugo too had noticed the slight change in his classmates behavior. Izuku was much quieter, always tired, and always spacing out - though he still upheld his duties as the class president. Something about him seemed off, not that it bothered him but it was certainly noticeable if you paid attention. A hurricane of dust and debris tumbled at them as they were forced to split. All Might immediately appeared between them knowing that he had to end the fight pretty quickly. If he lost sight of Izuku it was pretty much over. Bakugo used his AP Shot to distract All Might long enough for Izuku to punch him a good distance away. They both looked at each other before Izuku spoke.
"I'm not fighting, it's too much of a hassle. And it's a sure win if we chose evasion rather than charging head on"
Bakugo couldn't help but admit that was completely true, but his pride as a fighter would be damaged if he simply just tailed it and ran. Izuku sensing this hesitation made a plan.
"Okay I have a idea ..."
All Might looked around for his opponents but blocked an attack from Bakugo who rushed at him with a flurry of explosions. All Might was bothered now. Izuku was nowhere to be seen. He punched Bakugo shattering his gauntlet resulting in a huge explosion that sent him back. Bakugo was also hit by the explosion as it wasn't something he planned for.
"I hope this plan works you nerd!!" he said throwing his other gauntlet into the air after pulling the pin. The gauntlet grew in size and exploded destroying most of the city and collapsing buildings on All Might. Izuku used that moment to gigantify and launch Bakugo all the way to the exit. "Hero team wins" the speakers blared. All Might burst through the rubble and couldn't help but laugh at the ingenious idea.
"You really are something special Young Midoriya"

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