Chapter 4

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Izuku did keep an eye out for this mystery person, but so far nothing popped up. He was pretty sure it was some sort of declaration of arrival or something. Probably someone new with a strong quirk, but as the chairwoman said there was nothing further that could be done for now.
Today was going to be fun from what it seemed though. They were going on a rescue training exercise at the school's USJ facility. The students all talked excitedly on the bus about the possible experiences that awaited them.
"Say guys who do you think is the strongest in the class?" Tsuyu asked.
The question brought alot of opinions and arguments.
"I think it's Midoriya. You saw the way his quirk works, he basically can't get hurt" Uraraka said. Most of them agreed except for Bakugo and Todoroki who both thought Izuku really wasn't all that special.
"Enough chatter, we're here" Aizawa said from the front. The students got down and were greeted by the pro hero 13. She gave a speech about quirks and their dangers and all the generic stuff. Izuku was paying close attention to one person in particular - Aoyama. He had previously excused himself from the group claiming he was pressed, but his time of return didn't coincide with the regular time it would take for someone to take a leak - though he was probably just being paranoid. They walked in and marvelled at the size of the place, the different terrain and situations.
"This place is awesome! They even have fake villains!" Kirishima exclaimed. Aizawa turned to the direction the boy was looking at.
"Those aren't fake villains! 13 stay with the students" he said jumping down to fight.
A purplish mist spiralled into view.
"I'm sorry we crashed in, but you'll understand why soon enough"
Bakugo and Kirishima rushed at the villain but got warped away.
Izuku broke the front door.
"Iida get help now!"
The boy nodded and dashed away at full speed. Kurogiri made a small sound of annoyance. He wasn't expecting them to move so soon. This would complicate matters. The temporary distraction was what he needed to warp majority of the students away. Izuku was warped to the water area, where a horde of villains were waiting below.
He tucked himself in and grew to a giant sized version of himself before cannonballing into the water taking them out almost instantly. Tsuyu and Mineta who were warped there as well jumped off to shore where Aizawa was being attacked by some giant bird monster. Aizawa was in quite the situation because he was sure he cancelled this creature's quirk, but it still kept attacking relentlessly. That could only mean it had multiple quirks - which wasn't normal. He was sent flying as the Nomu punched him, but luckily Izuku caught him.
"That thing isn't human, stay away from it" he warned. Izuku stared down the Nomu as it mindlessly stared back. A cackling laugh rang through the air as a white haired man walked towards them.
"Impressive isn't it? My Nomu was made to kill All Might. You don't stand a chance against it"
"What do you mean it was made?" Izuku asked. Shigaraki smirked.
"It is an experiment given the most powerful quirks, super regeneration, shock absorption and super strength"
Izuku helped Aizawa down.
"That's all I needed to hear. It's not alive" he said running at the Nomu.
"Kill this brat!" Shigaraki barked. The creature shrieked in acknowledgement and dashed at it's new target. Izuku dodged the first punch which shattered the ground.
'He wasn't kidding, this thing is a monster'. He flipped onto it's back and to Shigaraki's shock the Nomu began to shrink until it was the size of a fly.
"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" he asked in disbelief and slight fear.
Izuku laughed as the Nomu's attacks were now nothing but tickles.
He opened his palm and his demeanor changed.
"Don't endanger my classmates ever again, or I'll hunt you down and kill you" he said as he squashed the Nomu into a bloody smear.
All Might suddenly burst in with the villains now backing away in fear.
"Take them down!" he said jumping down with the other teachers rushing after him.
"Kurogiri get me out of here!" Shigaraki ordered in a panic.
"We'll meet again kid ..." he said as he was warped away.
"That was close" Aizawa said looking at Izuku.
The wrap up was very quick and thankfully the students weren't too injured from the attack. Now something that came as odd to Izuku was that Aoyama was completely fine, it was like he wasn't even part of the attack. It may have also been a coincidence but the timing was all wrong. Aoyama felt the gaze and turned to Izuku with a smile. Though deep down he could feel his heart rate rising with each passing second of his stare down with his class president.
Izuku pulled out a phone from his pocket and texted a certain number about the details, and the recent development. He hit send, and deleted the message immediately. Aizawa all through the wrap up noticed the little stared down and Midoriya's peculiar behavior. 'This class is such a hassle'

The USJ event didn't blow up in the news luckily for UA, but there was another event that was making headlines fast. The sports festival. It was the biggest event of the year nationwide and millions anticipated it. The students took to harsh training to be able to go as far as possible, possibly even winning it. As for Izuku, he was setting his sights on winning the whole damn thing. His training had been amped up because after the sports festival he would begin an internship with the Hero Safety Commission. So it was what occupied his mind as they were on the bus heading for the stadium. His friends were a bit unnerved by his demeanor that day. Midoriya had never been this serious. This set the mood, if the strongest student was putting on his game face, they all had too as well.
After about 20 minutes they arrived at the huge coliseum where the massive crowd awaited them. The first year classes were called out with 1a being the center of attention - much to the other's disdain. Katsuki Bakugo was called up by Midnight to give a speech.
"I'm gonna win" Bakugo said much to the ire of the entire opposition. The crowd booed at the horrible speech and the sports festival began.
The first event was a race around the stadium. The classes all crowded in a tight hallway where Izuku went tiny and simply started running ahead of the gun.
"Oh man I love being tiny!" he said laughing as he ran towards the first obstacle.

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