It surprised you how pretty it actually looked. Though looking at the substance alone was not appealing, the rainbow sheen that glistened on it was. While you stared in awe, you were startled when Ink suddenly jumped in. Letting out a muffled yelp, colors flashed by in a dazzling display, like you were looking through a kaleidoscope. You felt as if your body liquified. It was a hard sensation to describe and left you reeling from dizziness and nausea.

The sensations finally subsided as you heard Ink's feet click against the ground he landed on. You had to 'close' your eyes to adjust to the shift. When you 'opened' them, you were blown away by the sight in front of you. You had appeared inside the Doodle Sphere! You had read of what it looked like many times, but none of that could have prepared you for the real thing.

All around, a brilliant, yet soft gold bathed the area in a gentle, soothing light. Glowing like white stars, rectangle pieces of paper–AUs–littered the sky with hundreds of thousands of stories. The originals shone brighter, all of their twisting and fluttering forms creating a twinkling effect that almost overwhelmed your eyes. You stared with childlike wonder. It was really a very picturesque image. You only looked away when Ink cleared his throat.

"Like what you see? I made all of the AUs here, aren't I amazing?" he said arrogantly, a smug smirk on his face... you hated to admit it, but the place did look incredible. However, you refused to say he was amazing for it. Thinking about it though, the amount of AUs was too much.

Regardless of how beautiful they were, looking at them now, with a clearer head, filled you with a sense of dread. These AUs were the reason the balance was unstable. It was unfair how such innocent things were the cause of so much trouble for so many people. It renewed your conviction to help fix it. You had more people that you were determined to help now, to save.

You alone could not do much, you were aware, but that would not stop you from trying. You had Error, the gang–Horror, Dust, Nightmare, heck, even Killer–, every AU inhabitant, Dream, Blue, and despite the many problems he's caused, Ink, to think about. You wished you could just fix everything yourself with the snap of a finger or some words, but not everything was so easy.

Trying to convince, inform, help, and understand Ink, Dream, and Blue was definitely going to be harder than making that alliance with Nightmare was. And back then, you had Error with you. It was not nearly as intimidating with him there, you are sure that without him you would have been killed before you could so much as say a word. Even if you could have, they would not have believed you. That was already proven with the suspicions they had about your 'relationship' with the Stars.

Thinking about that, you hoped your disappearance was not incriminating you somehow. It was kind of obvious you had not let yourself be captured willingly. You prayed Dust saw it that way and reported that to Nightmare. You did not want to imagine what they would do if they thought you had deceived them after all.

You also wondered how they would treat Error then. If anything, he might be seen as an accomplice, perhaps as an unaware one, and be let off lightly. Besides, if they tried anything, well, his title as the "Destroyer" was not for nothing. He could hold his own, so you were not too worried. The only reason he could not beat Ink was because he had support, and Error did not.

But that was before. If the alliance still stood, he would have plenty. You were anxious about how he was feeling right now though. The last you saw each other was through his portal, and getting to that point was already through unfortunate circumstances. You just hoped he was not too worried about you. Suddenly, you remembered your gift. had not been able to give it to Horror. You were not sure if you would feel worse or better if Error gave it to him instead. One on hand, he would get your gift. On the other, you would be unable to apologize in person. You doubted Error would apologize for you, that being something he did not seem like the type to do. Plus, he probably forgot about it anyways with the distraction that was your capture and dealing with the gang.

You were snapped out of your somewhat depressing thoughts when you noticed movement in front of your face. Jolting, you followed the movement to Ink's arm. He was waving his hand right in your face. It annoyed you, and already in a bad mood, you swatted at it. You felt him jump.

"What was that for?!" he whined, withdrawing his hand to his chest. When you just glared, he huffed.

"I was just checking you were in there, no need to get prissy with me. You didn't answer me, then got this dazed look on your face like someone sucked the soul out of you, so I decided to get your attention," he explained indignantly. You deadpanned.

First off, of course you were not going to answer him. Why would you? He did not deserve answers. Secondly, how could he see a "dazed" look on your face? Your face was literally frozen in the same eternal smile all Sans had. The only movement you had there was the upturn or downturn of the corners to mimic a change in expression.

Plus, your eyes were buttons. You wondered briefly if his paints had the side effect of causing hallucinations, or if he really was that delusional. You must have been giving him an extremely strange look, since he gasped in offense.

"Don't look at me like that! It's not like I was lying...," he pouted, looking away. were getting major déjà vu again. Suddenly, it clicked. Ink was very similar to a certain skeleton you knew. Oh dear god, he was Killer 2.0... it was another man-child! You wanted to wail in despair. You did not miss him that much! Scratch that, you did not miss him at all!

...that's it! You were cursed! Surrounded by bad omens! Life was a lie made to trap you and annoy you until you died of anger! You were sure you would be foaming at the mouth right now if you could from the sheer amount of resentment you were feeling.

Before you could spiral further, you heard the sound of another portal opening behind you. It somehow sounded like the tinkling of bells. Ink's mood immediately brightened, and he whipped around to face it, a large grin on his face. Your legs swung slightly from the abruptness.

Out from a gold portal that could rival the sun in intensity came Blue and Dream. Ink jogged over to them, radiating excitement. Dream looked over at him from checking on Blue. He smiled gently, his eye sockets crinkling at the edges. He gave off both a young and somehow aged air at that moment. It was like he knew the cruelty of the Multiverse but hoped, no prayed, for the best.

"How about we go inside? There, we can discuss things more comfortably," he said softly, gesturing behind him. You stared with disbelief at what you saw. How did you not notice the massive house there?? You blamed Ink for being too annoying to notice.

I seem to have a habit of creating a lot of seemingly dangerous situations that end in nothing but mischief and annoyance. Is that a talent? 🤔

My grandma's birthday is Monday, but we're celebrating it today, so I probably won't be paying too much attention to comments then

Hoped you enjoyed the chapter! 😊

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