
That was not a word in Grace's vocabulary, "Did I lose you?"

"No... you're finally speaking my language."

"Dork," Taylor laughed, "Go back to work. I love you so much! So much! Do amazing things! Cure cancer."

"I'm reading trashy romance novels from the town library and staring out the window. It's hardly cancer research but I do love you so very much and you had best believe that I'll be waiting for you tomorrow," the former heiress smiled before Taylor said another goodbye.

Grace had to take a few deep breaths before she went back inside, her cheeks were a tinge pink and she had a smile that just wouldn't go away, "What's your degree in?"

"I did my undergraduate in History and Economics," Grace went back to her seat and picked up her book again. She was still fighting the smile.

"I'm making you a resume."

"Then add on I have a Masters of Science in Economics," Grace said softly.

"How did you get away with that? Let me rephrase, how did you convince them to let you go beyond undergraduate when you're— you know."

"A woman?" Michael nodded sheepishly when she said it, "I had Charlie rally at the idea of wanting me to stay in Oxford for another year with him. It took two months of him longingly gazing at me and saying how much he would miss me every chance he got before Robert suggested the idea. He was just scared of Charles walking away from the marriage if he found someone better."

"And you didn't go for the doctorate?"

"It would take five more years of my life and I was already living with Charlie. I didn't exactly have much will to go on, I was a functioning alcoholic and didn't even know I had a problem."

"I haven't seen Charlie in forever. He was a bit of a douche sometimes. I guess it comes full circle, pray that Ophelia's baby is a girl so it doesn't receive his receding hairline."

"Wouldn't that be a tragedy?" Grace laughed at the thought and then shook it off, "I'm sorry that it didn't work out for me here."

"You're not leaving, just means I won't have to chauffeur you to work with me."

"How else am I expected to get to work?"

"You'll drive," he glanced at the keys on the desk.

Grace knew he had been putting it off, "Can we go right now?"

"Damn it," he sighed but when he saw Grace's excited face he chuckled just the tiniest bit, "The parking lot only."

Grace steered the car towards the road and turned on her indicator. She looked both ways and pulled out onto the street, "It's not that difficult."

"I said the parking lot!"

"I cannot get the practice hours I need a parking lot," Grace replied. She kept her fingers tight around the wheel, looking in all directions as she followed the speed limit.

"Where are you headed then?"

"New York City. I've never been to The Empire State Building before," she teased, "Just through town and back."

It took a couple minutes for Michael to remember how to fully breathe again. It turned out that Grace had spent enough time analyzing other people drive that she knew exactly what to do once she figured out how sensitive the gas and brake pedals were.

"Have you found something you're not good at yet?" He asked frustratedly when they got back to the office.

"Guitar- And liking men."

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now