Chapter 2

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Naruto's Pov:

I entered the classroom and I went to my seat. Then I just took my books out and got ready for class. Sakura then walked towards me and sat on top of my desk. " What are we going to do today naruto? " Sakura said cheating off my homework. " Sleep " I said leaning my head back. " Boring! What about we go to the mall! " Sakura said smirking as I sighed. " All I do is hold all of your bags!?" I said quietly which she heard. " Well you better get your hands ready Naruto!" She said pinching my arm. " Ow? " I said sarcastically. Sakura rolled her eyes and went back to her seat. While I waited for class to start I just started reading a book. Once the teacher arrived everybody finally settled down. " Good morning students, today we have a new student joining us I want you all to make him feel like he is welcomed, you may enter " the teacher said to the student outside. Then a boy with black duckbutt hair and fair skin walked in. " What's your name boy? " asked the teacher. " Uchiha sasuke " The boy said. I sighed and rolled my eyes. All the girls must've already fallen for him because I started to hear giggles and whispers of course." Fantastic name, You may sit next to Naruto. " the teacher said as he pointed to me. Then the student walked towards the desk as I made room for him. " Hi my name is Naruto! " I smiled at him and took my hand out meant for him to shake it. He shook my hand saying " Hey naruto~ " with a little smirk on his face.

Sasuke's pov:

I waited outside of class for a bit until the teacher called me in "...You may enter " I heard him say. I then walked in and looked at the class. " This class seems pleasing. " I whispered sarcastically.  " What's your name boy? " the teacher asked me. " Uchiha sasuke " I told him. "Fantastic name, you may sit next to Naruto " he said while pointing to a student. I looked at where is finger was pointed too and it was the blonde from earlier. I walked to the desk and sat down. I saw him put his hand out and he said" Hi my name is Naruto ". He gave me beautiful smile and I said   " Hey Naruto " as I shaked his hand then I gave him my signature uchiha smirk. Naruto let go of my hand and started to write down what the teacher was saying. It was so boring and I decided to doze off for a while. It felt like a couple of minutes Until I felt something poke me with a sharp finger nail I got up and saw that it was Naruto. I heard Naruto say " Oi sasuke get up class is over! " I looked around and saw no one there so I grabbed my bag and followed Naruto out the classroom. I saw naruto go to his next class which seemed like biology I followed him since it was my next class as well. It was normal stuff and then it was finally lunch where I got to see that weirdo suigetsu again.

Naruto's pov:

It was finally the end of math class as I was packing up, everybody had already left I was then finished and was headed for the door. Then from the corner of my eye I saw something move from one of the desk. I looked and saw sasuke sleeping on the desk. I walked back to the desk and he looked so peaceful sleeping but the bell was about to ring so I had to wake him up. I poked him on the shoulder. Soon he lift his head up and looked at me, he was probably still tired because he had to squint his eyes to look at me. " Oi sasuke get up class is over! " I said to him. He looked around the classroom and then started getting his things together. I left the classroom as sasuke followed me. I went to my classes and everything was normal , it was finally lunch time.


Me and Sakura went in line to get our lunch.   " Soooo, Naruto what did you think of the new student? " she said while grabbing some food. " He's okay... " I said. " Thats all, well I think he is a nice guy." Sakura said to me with a smile. " Do you like that guy. " I said confused. " What makes you say that. " she said heading towards our table as I followed her. " It was because the way you looked at him" I said. " Well you obviously thought wrong you already know who I like! " Sakura said with a grin. " Of course, you talk about them all the time. " I said rolling my eyes. " You don't know the meaning of love Naruto. Sakura said trying to be dramatic. " Yes I do I'm just not a whore that always talks about different hot men or women like you. " I said. " HUH, YOU TAKE THAT BACK. " she said as she sat down at the table. " I don't think I will. " I said smiling. " Don't make me cause a scene Uzumaki!" She said glaring at me. " I'll think about it. " I said playing with my food. " Let's change the subject. " I said then there was a moment of silence. " That means come up with something sakura. " I said pointing my fork towards her. " Oh, well I think we should be Sasuke's friends. " she said. " Why? " I said taking some of her food. " So he isn't lonely duh! " she said. " What if he doesn't want to be our friends." I said. " Well he will want some friends at some point. " she said eating her food. " Right.. " I said then she started talking about random stuff like she always does.

Sasuke's pov:

I grabbed my lunch and started looking for a table to sit at, then I saw movement from the side of my eye. As I looked over I saw suigetsu at a table with some people waving his arms meaning for me to come over. I walked over and sat beside him. " Who's this cutie! " a red headed girl said as she winked at me. I rolled my eyes and then looked at suigetsu. " This is my new friend sasuke! " said suigetsu. I bowed my head at them with an unpleasant face. " Well it's nice to meet you sasuke-kun. " said the red head girl with glasses. " Hello there " I heard a tall man with spiky orange hair say. " There names are Karin and Jugo! " suigetsu said while pointing at them. " There names sound kinda stupid . " I said in my head because I didn't want to say it out loud. " You know what would be cool if we.... " I heard suigetsu talking but I wasn't listening I was looking at the blonde from across the room. " Oooooh you're looking at Naruto huh " suigetsu said loudly. I jumped and looked at him. He is so loud someone could have heard him! " Shut up he could hear you! " I said whispering to suigetsu. Suigetsu rolled his eyes at me. " Nobody can hear you we are at the corner table! " suigetsu said annoyed. " Whatever suigetsu " I said looking at him dead in the eye. I got up and said my goodbyes to Karin and Jugo and walked to my locker with suigetsu of course. " So sasuke you want to hang out later? " suigetsu said waiting for my answer. " I can't I am busy. " I replied. " Doing what? " he said confused, he's so nosey. " My older brother is coming over later " I said reaching for my books.. " That's boring I was hoping we were going to be able to hang out! " suigetsu said while drinking water. " Maybe another time. " I said as I grabbed my books and headed towards my next class.

Naruto's pov:

" So are you still coming over later? " I said curiously. " I have to see I forgot to ask my mom. " Sakura said with a sigh. "Alright we'll see then. " I said as I got up and walked to my locker. As I was grabbing my books from my locker I saw Ino coming up to me " Hey Naruto ! " Ino said excitedly. " Hi Ino. " I said slamming my locker close. " Here come walk with me. " Ino said as she got a head start. " Did you see the new kid sasuke I think was his name, Sai has some real competition! " Ino blushed as she said the name sai. " Really, I still can't believe that out of all the boys in the world you had to choose sai. " I said with a little smirk. " Don't judge my taste in boys Naruto " ino said with a smile. " Hey ino, do you  want to go to the mall with me and Sakura later? I asked curiously. " A shopping trip! I am totally in. " she said putting her hands on her hips. " Well the bell is about to ring so we should get to class. " I said looking at the clock. " Alright then see you later Naruto! " she said running to her classroom. I signed and sat down. " 1 hour and 30 minutes until schools over " I whispered as the teacher began our next lesson.

The nerd and jock || sasunaru story ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora