Falling In Love

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[Felix POV]

I woke up, having the most comfortable sleep I had in the tent. I turned around and saw Hyunjin hugging me. Yes, Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin. I took his hand off me and got up. I was about to get out of the tent when I felt a hand gripping on my wrist. I turned around to find a sleeping Hyunjin holding onto my wrist.

"No... Felix... Don't go... I love you..." Hyunjin murmured in his dream. I widened my eyes in shock. The Hwang Hyunjin loves me back!? This is the greatest news I have ever heard. Except, I didn't know how to exactly tell him. I mean, I know that he likes me back but- it's still really awkward to literally say it. The only option I had other than that was to wait until he confessed, which I was obviously not patient enough for. But at the same time, it could be another Felix.

Hyunjin opened his eyes slightly, I suppose he thought he was dreaming cuz he stared at me, as if he was processing what was going on.

"I love you, Lee Felix." Hyunjin said. My jaw instantly dropped. Did he really just say that? Well, I'm pretty sure he was still half-asleep cuz he closed his eyes and went back to sleeping. So it's confirmed, Hwang Hyunjin really does like me. Well, that's one way to start my day. One really good way of course.

It was the afternoon now, me and the boys were eating in the same restaurant we always have lunch in. And I could've sworn I saw Hyunjin staring at me, but that's pretty normal since I found out he's in love with me earlier. I had a feeling that Seungmin and Jeongin were matching on purpose at this point. I mean, I saw them wearing the matching pyjamas and now they're wearing matching outfits.

I really wanted to match with Hyunjin but I feel like it would look weird since we all normally hang out together and play some random game. So if they saw me and Hyunjin matching, they might think we're a couple. But I didn't really see any negatives about them thinking that, except for the fact that it would probably be really awkward between me and Hyunjin if that happened. So I decided it's best if I don't ask him.

On the other hand, there was Bangchan and Changbin who wouldn't stop flirting with each other. I usually find them cute, but the amount of times they flirted with each other was getting annoying. At this point, I won't even be surprised if I found out one of them got the other pregnant. Although, I'm pretty sure boys can't get pregnant. To be honestly, I really don't know anymore.

And then we had the most annoying two people here, Minho and Han. I swear, the amount of times they kept bickering during one meal was honestly getting so frustrating, even for me. And that's coming from someone who loves drama. Next thing you know, one of them killed the other and would say oH iT wAs BeCaUsE hE hAd ThE aUdAcItY tO sAy whatever he decided to say. I would honestly rather grab the sharpest fork I can find and stab it so deep in my eye that my pupils will disappear than sitting next to Han who was in between me and Minho.

That's basically a summary of my thoughts during the entire lunch. My favourite part of that restaurant was that whenever you leave, they offer you candy for free. I'm usually not someone who loves candy, but I do love anything that's free. Take notes Hyunjin.

Tomorrow was the last day of camp cuz we're going back home on Friday. Which was the greatest day to go home since Saturday and Sunday were holidays and I did not wanna go to school first thing after a tiring(but fun) camping trip with my friends.

We were now going on a relaxing walk together. I was just glad that Minho and Han didn't say a word to each other during the entire walk.

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