He Did What!?

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Jisung finished his work and went towards the teacher. The teacher praised him for handing it in early. Seungmin came with with his work. He was yelled at for handing his work in early and even got a detention. Jeongin, who became Seungmin's new friend stood up for him but ended up getting a detention as well.

"Fuck." Minho said under his breath. He saw that the there was 5 minutes until class would end and he hasn't done any of his work. Jisung heard it of course but decided not to say anything for his own safety.

"You, help me." Minho said coldly, facing Jisung. Jisung pointed at himself and mouthed 'me?'.

"No, a giraffe. Obviously you!" Minho said, frustrated.

Jisung told him the answer to each of them, not making eye contact at all. Minho finished it all in 4 minutes and handed it in just before the bell rang. Mr. Park was slightly impressed that Minho's worksheet was done completely.

At the end of school, Felix, Seungmin and Jisung met up near the lockers.

"Can you believe it!? I got detention." Seungmin said, annoyed. "I handed my work in early and got fucking detention."

"I mean, it can't be that bad right?" Jisung said trying to make him feel better.

"Please, I've been in detention multiple times. It's terrible in there." Felix said with a traumatized face as he pictured the memories in his head.

"Good luck Seung" Jisung and Felix said simultaneously.

"Thanks." Seungmin said, taking a deep breath. Felix gave him a quick hug before he left them.

Seungmin waved at them and they waved back. Seungmin turned around and went towards the detention classroom. He walked in and sat down at the front.

Jeongin came in and sat at the window seat and next to Seungmin. Jeongin gave a reassuring smile to Seungmin since he saw how nervous Seungmin was.

The teacher got up. "Everyone, you can do your works. But no talking."

"What if we don't have any works?" Seungmin said, raising his hand.

"Stare at a wall." The teacher said, glaring at Seungmin.

"We don't talk back to the teachers in detention." Jeongin whispered in Seungmin's ear. Seungmin formed an "O" shape with his mouth.

The teacher caught Jeongin talking to Seungmin.

"Jeongin!! No talking!" The teacher said madly.

Jeongin opened his mouth to respond. But got interrupted.

"Don't tell him what to do, your not his fucking boss." Seungmin said. He realized what he had said and exchanged a terrified look with Jeongin.

"Sir please don't trouble him!" Jeongin said with puppy eyes. Seungmin was staring at him. He had to admit, Jeongin looked pretty cute.

"Your puppy eyes aren't going to make me not trouble him! Seungmin, clean all the brushes and palettes in the art room today." The teacher said strictly.

Seungmin nodded.

"I'll do it with him." Jeongin said with a determined voice.

"Jeongin, you didn't do anything wrong. So no." The teacher said, smiling.

Jeongin took some water out of his bag pack and poured it on the teacher.

"Now can I go?" Jeongin asked innocently.

"JEONGIN!!!!" The teacher exclaimed, furious.

"So is that a yes?" Jeongin asked innocently once again.

"YEAH, IT'S A YES." The teacher said, leaving the classroom to get a towel from the staff room.

"Jeongin? Why did you get yourself in trouble for me!?" Seungmin asked, confused.

Jeongin gave him a smile. "I wasn't going to let you clean all that on your own. There's so many brushes and palettes in the art room"

Seungmin smiled at the younger boy's generosity and ruffled his hair, which caused Jeongin to smile widely. Seungmin could've sworn he melt at Jeongin's adorable smile.

It was the end of detention. Jeongin and Seungmin were in the art room, cleaning the brushes and palettes while laughing and enjoying.

"And then, Jisung screamed his lungs out while going on the zip line." Seungmin said, laughing at the memory. Jeongin broke out into laughter as well.

Seungmin was cleaning the last brush when he heard a familiar voice.

"Jeongin!!! Come on!"

Seungmin turned around to see the group leader, Bangchan.

"Coming hyung." Jeongin said, washing his hands.

Chan nodded and waited outside while looking down the balcony.

"Bye Seungmin." Jeongin said.

Jeongin gave a peck on the cheek to Seungmin and winked. Then he left the room. Seungmin had his eyes widened and his face red.

'What just happened?'

Pls I'm not getting any readers except for my bestie T-T

Well, not too shocked that my story didn't blow up immediately lmao

Anyways, have a good day or night, peace humans!!

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