Is This Seat Taken?

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Jisung walked over to the place where Minho was sitting. He took a deep breath. He noticed that Minho's bag was on the seat.

Minho was apart of a school group called Stray Kids. He was one of the most scariest members of the group. Nobody in the school dared to speak to him.

"Is this seat taken?" Jisung asked, stuttering. Minho looked up at him.

Jisung gulped and avoided making eye contact with him. Instead he looked down to the floor. Minho was still looking directly into Jisung's face.

"You!! Boy! Sit down!!" The bus driver yelled at him. "Sit down or get out of the bus!!"

Jisung bowed to the bus driver apologetically. Minho took the bag and put it on his lap instead. Jisung sat next to Minho, shaking. The bus driver started to drive the bus.

Seungmin and Felix were both giving Jisung weird looks throughout the entire drive. Jisung looked at them, confused.

The bus suddenly stopped and Jisung's head went flying to the seat infront. He couldn't stop himself. His head was about to his the seat infront. His head had a high chance to bleed. He closed his eyes and got ready to be in pain. But it never came. Instead, he felt a warm feeling on his forehead. He opened his eyes to a hand.

He turned around and saw Minho. He had an emotionless face, no expressions could be seen. They made eye contact for 5 seconds. Jisung backed away as Minho put his hand away from Jisung. Jisung felt a feeling in his stomach. As if butterflies were swarming around it. His heart started pounding faster than usual.

The bus arrived at the school. Jisung got up and there was a huge crowd of students there. Jisung wasn't a big fan of crowds and he started getting more stressed and stressed. Then he felt someone hold his hand. He looked back and saw Felix with a worried expression. Jisung smiled at this but he was still stressed, he just didn't show it.

They finally got out of the bus and Felix and Seungmin quickly ran to Jisung.

"You ok sung?" Felix asked almost immediately. Seungmin looked at Jisung with worried eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Jisung said. He smiled to reassure them that he was ok.

Seungmin scoffed. "I saw what happened between you and Minho"

Jisung, now walking towards school said, "uh, so what? He was just being nice."

"Exactly, he was being nice. That's not like him, he would normally let your head bump into the seat you know." Seungmin said reasonably, catching up with Jisung.

"Seungmin's got a point Ji." Felix agreed with Seungmin while catching up with the both of them.

"Well we all know that Minho isn't gay so he probably was just in a good mood today." Jisung said, even though nobody knew about Minho's sexuality.

"Nobody knows about it Sung, he isn't comfortable sharing. He could be gay." Felix said as Seungmin nodded.

"He dated girls before though." Jisung said, getting closer to the school door.

"Yeah so? He could be bisexual, who knows." Felix said smartly.

"Lee knows." Seungmin said, which made all three of them laugh.

"Puppy, this isn't time for jokes." Felix said, snickering at the joke.

"You seem to like it." Seungmin said proudly.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Felix said, playfully rolling his eyes.

The bell rang and Jisung panicked. He ran into the school at light speed, the other two behind him. Jisung was running towards the school, not looking at where he was going.

"JISUNG!!" Seungmin yelled.

"JISUNG LOOK OUT!!!" Felix yelled even louder.

Jisung felt his body bump into a figure. He felt himself and the figure falling towards the ground. Jisung was ready to have his body hit the ground quicker than the figure infront of him. But that didn't happen. He felt an arm wrap tightly around his waist. He opened his eyes and saw Lee Minho, a few inches from his face.

Minho helped Jisung up and quickly walked away before Jisung could say anything. His gang walked behind him. Jisung could've sworn he saw Minho's eyes shift to Jisung's lips for atleast a second or two. But Jisung had better things to worry about. He was about to be late for his first day.

He was about to start sprinting again but his friends both stopped him. Each holding one arm of Jisung.

"Sung, calm down." Seungmin said as Jisung turned around to the both of them.

"Ok but can we just talk about Minho's hand on your WAIST!?" Felix said, completely shocked.

"No we cannot." Jisung said, running away to class.

Seungmin and Felix exchanged glances and ran after him.

Jisung ran into the classroom, out of breath. The teacher looked at him. His two friends showed up just as the teacher glanced at Jisung. Seungmin gave an awkward smile while trying to catch his breath. Felix just looked straight into the eyes of the teacher, not even worrying about anything.

Jisung bowed like 5 times at the teacher.

"I'm so sorry if I'm late!" Jisung said apologetically.

Mr. Park smiled. Both Seungmin and Felix's jaws dropped completely. From the 8 years of being in this school, neither of them had seen Mr. Park smile. But Jisung acted like it was a normal thing.

"Sit down Jisung. Your assigned seat is the window seat at the back corner next to Lee Minho." Mr. Park said generously.

Jisung widened his eyes, but didn't say anything. He went and sat down at the window seat next to Minho.

Minho gave a quick glare at Jisung, as if he was mad.

Mr. Park glared at Felix and Seungmin as his mood changed from happy to annoying.

"Yongbok, sit down next to Hyunjin and Seungmin sit down next to Jeongin." He said carelessly.

Felix and Seungmin exchanged looks and looked at Jisung who was staring directly at the floor. Neither of the three had been assigned seats next to each other.

This made Jisung's anxiety rise even higher as he stared at the floor. He nervously played with his hands with a nervous look on his face.

"ALRIGHT STUDENTS!!!!" Mr. Park yelled, which caused everyone to shut up. But it only made Jisung slightly jump out of shock.

Mr. Park started explaining the lesson.

Minho got bored of the lesson and was about to go on his phone. But then he realized that Chan had taken his phone away and groaned rather quietly.

Mr. Park finished explaining the lesson and handed them all worksheets to do during class.

Minho didn't understand a single word on the worksheet but Jisung was doing it as if it was the easiest thing ever. Minho glanced at Jisung's worksheet but ended up looking at his face instead. He stared at Jisung's face for 5 minutes and went back to trying to do his work.

It's not the longest chapter ever but it's pretty long I suppose.

Well anyways- Minho is falling for Jisung and I'm here for it 🤭

I know I probably shouldn't be fangirling over my own ff but who's here to stop me?

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