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[Hyunjin POV]
(first person)

I woke up and stared at the ceiling, my pillow on top of my chest as I was hugging it. I didn't have enough energy to get up at all. I kept staring up at the ceiling, then suddenly, a recognizable smile popped into my head. It was Felix's smile. By seeing Felix's smile in his head, although it wasn't real, make me smile as well. I couldn't stop thinking about Felix for, who knows, hours or so. But then, I stopped myself. "What are you doing Hyunjin?!" I said to myself, forgetting that Jeongin was sleeping in the same room as me, just above me.

"What?" Jeongin said to me, coming down the stairs of our bunkbed.

"What what?" I repeated his word, acting as if I was confused.

"What did you mean by 'what are you doing Hyunjin' eh?" Jeongin said, now sitting down on my bed.

"How was your sleep?" I changed the topic so I didn't have to discuss my feelings about Felix to him.

"It was good, yours?" Jeongin asked, he probably knew what I was doing but didn't want to say anything. Or he was just being stupid cuz he just woke up and didn't realize that I was changing the topic.

"Good, except I couldn't sleep that much for some reason." I said truthfully. Except, I knew the reason, it was because I couldn't stop thinking about this one person that didn't seem to want to leave my head. Lee Felix.

"Ah, you should get some rest." Jeongin said to me, just before getting a notification on his phone. He pulled it out and smiled at who it was. I peeked to see who this person that was texting him was. All I could see was "Minnie 🥰". Who was this Minnie person and what did he or she have to do with Jeongin? Obviously, I didn't know, but I also didn't want to ask him and get in his privacy, so I just let my thoughts eat my alive to try and figure out who this Minnie was.

I couldn't do it anymore, I needed a distraction from finding out who this Minnie person was. So I decided to text the one person that wouldn't leave my thoughts, Felix. I took my phone and clicked onto his contacts. I started thinking on how to start a conversation with him, when, he ended up typing to me first. I was honestly relieved. But now I had to find out what to say as a reply. Saying "hey" might be a bit boring. Saying "hi" might be nice, but it may seem like I'm bored with the conversation and is being forced to talk to him. Saying "hello" is honestly way too formal. So, I could say... "Hiiiii", yeah, that was it.

Yongbokie 🥰

Yongbokie 🥰

Hyunjinnie 💞

Yongbokie 🥰
Ur actually online
Unlike my other friends lmao
They take like hours to reply, it's so fucking annoying.
Ur like the only friend of mine that replies immediately

Hyunjinnie 💞
Ah, yeah
I usually ignore my other friends' texts but when it comes to you, I reply immediately ;)

Yongbokie 🥰
Now I'm actually going to name you "the annoying flirt"

Hyunjinnie 💞

Yongbokie 🥰
Chillll, I'm kidding

Hyunjinnie 💞
Oh okay
So, where do you wanna meet up today?

Yongbokie 🥰
Well, I actually had a better idea then to just us meeting up
How about, we get my friends and your friends all together so we can meet up?
And, I heard from Seungmin that he has feelings for Jeongin~

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