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Hi! Sorry for the wait, have been doing a lot of stuff. Please give me ideas and suggestions.

Chapter 7

POV Maya

Olivia fell to the floor, shuffling back until she hit a wall, her knees up to her chest just like the first time I met her. Her hands were shaking and her breathing was very fast and labored. Never ending tears flowed down her face, and Carina and I stood in shock for a moment before regaining our senses.

Seeing my- Olivia like this caused me indescribable pain, physical pain. I pushed my own tears back and ignored the many eyes staring at us, kneeling in front of her. She flinched as I got closer, and I could hear her whispering.

"Please, please stop. No! Please, dad!" She cried into her knees.

Although I knew it could make things worse if you touched someone during a PTSD episode, I had to make her realize it was me. I gently took her face with both hands, forcing her to look at me when she tried to move away.

"Olivia look at me, it's Maya" I said firmly, seeing her teary, brown eyes scanning my face for a second.

The second she saw it was me, she jumped into my arms, just like the first day. I held her tightly to me, one hand on the back of her head, keeping it in my neck so the store didn't stress her further. Carina and I started walking toward the exit of the mall while I stroked the girls back.

"Shh it's okay, sweetheart. Everything's okay, it's just me and Carina, and we're going home" I whispered in her ear, kissing her head repeatedly.

I hoped my reassurance would calm her down, but she was still sobbing and hyperventilating. I looked down and saw she thankfully still held Teddy, knowing she would be devastated if she lost him. Carina opened the backseat door as we arrived at the car, and I carefully climbed in with Olivia on my lap. Carina went around to sit beside us.

"Ciao bambina, can you look at me?" Carina said gently, tucking the girl's hair behind her ear so we could see her.

Olivia raised her head slightly, but her cheek was still resting on my chest.

"Good girl, now can you breathe with me" Carina continued, and I saw Olivia trying to follow her breathing.

After a few minutes in the quiet of the car, she was still breathing quickly, but not hyperventilating, and crying lightly. I guided her back into my neck, stroking her hair as she nuzzled into the exposed skin above my collarbone. Carina rested her head on the opposite side of my body, looking at Olivia. Once again I was holding my entire world.

"Is she asleep?" I asked when I felt Olivia's breathing even out completely.

Carina nodded, sitting up to look at me, and I leaned my forehead against her's, desperate for her comforting touch.

"I think... maybe she should talk to someone. A profesional who knows how to deal with trauma. We will always be here for her, but all of us need to know how to deal with this better" I said quietly to not wake Olivia.

"Sí, I think that would be good. Maybe you could ask Diane, I know she usually works with adults, but she specializes in trauma. Even if she can't, she might be able to recommend someone" Carina answered, and I nodded.


Olivia stirred when we turned into the parking lot by our apartment building.

"Mmmhm..." She groaned into my chest, making me laugh. The girl really loved sleep, just like Carina.

"Hey baby, we're home, can you wake up?" I asked as my wife turned off the engine.

She nodded her head but held onto me tighter, so I snaked my hand between us to undo the buckles. Somehow, I managed to exit the car with Olivia attached to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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