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Btw I have no idea what the American foster and adoption system looks like, so it might not be accurate, this is just a story :)

Chapter 5

POV Carina

I stroked Olivia's hair while singing an Italian song my Mama used to sing to me and Andrea. Even as I knew she had fallen asleep, I couldn't get my body to move, so I remained on the bed, admiring her. She looked so young and peaceful while sleeping, the tight hold on her bear only enhancing it. While I knew she was 12, and she physically looked like a 12 year old, she sometimes acted much younger.

It wasn't weird considering the trauma she'd been through, regressing is a very common coping mechanism, especially for children. Her behavior just added to how adorable she was, and I couldn't help myself from leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Sleep well Bambina, you're safe, prometto" I whispered in her ear.

Eventually, I ripped myself away, returning to the office, but leaving the bunk door open. I sat in Maya's chair, spinning around while trying to sort my thoughts and feelings. Maya was right, she was special. My heart hurt for her, for everything Maya had told me about her and her dad. Their situations were so similar, and I couldn't help but think it might be fate.

The second I'd seen Olivia, the blonde hair had reminded me of my wife. Maya had mentioned how our eyes were similar, but seeing it almost made me emotional. She was like a perfect mix of us...


After about an hour, I heard the barn doors open and trucks pulling back in. There were quick footsteps outside the door before it shot open, revealing a sooty and panting Maya. I subconsciously let out a breath, still feeling scared anytime she was called out. My wife glanced around the office worriedly.

"Where is she?" Maya asked, walking towards me as I stood up.

"Sleeping in your bunk, Bambina. Don't worry, she's fine" I soothed, rubbing my hands along her arms as she nodded.

I led her over to the couch and sat down with her, knowing we had to talk. I could clearly see Maya wasn't relaxed. She was picking intently at her fingers, causing me to take her hands in mine. I could see tears welling up in her eyes, and was about to ask her what was wrong when she spoke.

"I have to call CPS, and they're gonna take her and either bring her back to where she was, or put her in another random house. What if they don't care about her? What if they abuse her? ...What if I never get to see her again? I feel like I'm betraying her... she obviously came to me because she trusts me, and I'm just gonna send her away again. I have to call them, I have no choice" Maya cried, breathing quickly.

"What if you did?" I asked without a second thought.

She just looked at me confused, wiping her never ending tears.

"What if you had a choice? What if you didn't let them take her away? What if... I mean we could... take her home, if you want to" I said, the confusion on her face turning to shock.

"What? You want... you want us to care for her? But- you just met her, and you've always said you want a baby, I can't take that away from you" My wife rambled.

"Sí, I just met her, but Bella- she's amazing. And I do want a baby, at some point, but she doesn't prevent that. She trusts us, she trusts you so much, and she's... a perfect mix of us. Looking at her...feels like looking at our baby. Holding her is how I imagined it would feel to hold my child" I whispered, now crying myself.

I looked down, worried I'd overstepped since she hadn't said anything. I felt a hand on my chin, bringing me up to meet her eyes and a... smile. My wife was smiling widely, still crying, but with a look in her eyes I'd only seen a few times before.

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