How could he know? I destroyed all official records of it.

He just looked at me stoically with his heartbeat not even slightly pacing. It's so hard to get a read on him. A lifetime of hiding the evidence of his brother's abuse had steeled him into not giving away even an ounce of his true feelings.

He got up, gave me a small smile and started to leave.

No no no no no

Panic started rising in me as I saw him make a beeline for the door. I willed my body to move and with great effort I could atleast get up. But I fell down, unable to keep standing. Darius' magic twisting my bones as punishment for defying him. Skittles was wincing in pain as I screamed in agony.

"I said LIE DOWN!" He commanded again.

My body got up and plopped on the bed. I couldn't move this time at all and felt physically crushed by the weight of his intent.

"I am assigning him to Jai as his personal bodyguard." He said not bothering to turn around.

I scrutinised his scent, voice and aura for lies and simply couldn't detect any. As a Beta I was skilled in clairvoyance so I could tell when someone was lying, so most people didn't bother even trying to lie to me. Even Damian couldn't lie to me.

But Dominic might be able to.

Even so present evidence dictated that he was not.

Luna's bodyguard was the safest position for a warrior because the security around then is already very tight. It's also a formal seal of approval of trust from the Alpha which comes with significant benefits like pay and status.

But that's not the important part.

Most importantly, Jai's thick scent can hide Aiden's and conceal his true nature from other werewolves of the pack. This is why I've been trying to get him to build a rapport with Jai but never did I think Dominic would agree to make him Jai's bodyguard. He's too young and unskilled.

Why is he being so generous?

And then it clicked.

"You and Jai truly deserve each other." I scowled.

"I'll take that as a compliment." He smiled slyly.

Pieces of scum both of them are. Using a teenager as a bargaining chip. Keeping Aiden close means I can't betray them or else....

Hes been looking for something to hold over my head and Jai just handed it to him on a silver platter.

I closed my eyes in relief. Atleast for now we're safe and so is our secret. I'll triangulate about what to do later but for now I know he's not going after Aiden.

Don't get too comfortable. Skittles warned.

Youre right.


"Is that why you betrayed Damian? Because of what he did to his parents?" Dominic's voice pierced through the silence of the room and caught me by surprise.

I didn't say anything but stared at the blank wall infront of me.

He eyed me up and down and opened his mouth like he was about to say something but then he sighed, left the room and shit the door behind him.

Yes Dominic.

And if given the chance I'd do it again.


Jai's POV

"May I come in Luna?"

My head immediately turned to look at the door to my chamber. I was just sitting in my sports shorts replotting my spice plants in the balcony.
I was shirtless because it was hot as fuck and I had mud and sweat all over me.

"Come in!" I yelled.

I heard the door open and close but whoever it was, wasn't moving forward or saying anything. Just from the shuffling of the feet I could tell who it was.

"What is it Aiden?" I turned around and looked at him in the eye.

He blushed deeply as a guilty expression materialised on his face. His eyes were focused on my back and Dominic's name that was plastered on it. I'd tried to take it off but couldn't immediately, hopefully it'll fade.

Aww we have a secret admirer. Nyx cooed.

"Can I help you?" I asked

"Huh?...I mean Luna I've been assigned to guard your body....not your you. I'm your bodyguard." He stumbled through his words.

"Dominic ordered that?" I asked.

"He didn't tell you?"

No he didn't.

But I can't let him know. Alpha and Luna must appear as one unit.

"Ofcourse he did. So I guess I'm putting my life in your hands Aiden." I smiled.

"You don't have to worry about anything. I can fight anyone." He said giving me a salute.

"Except the Masked Warrior." He added meekly.

"I'm sure it won't come to that." I chuckled.

"You never know." Aiden said looking at the mountains behind me through the balcony. I turned around to see what he was looking at.

"Umm is there something else?"

He snapped out of his fixation before looking at me and said,

"Alpha Dominic has invited you to dinner with him at his Cottage. I am to escort you there at 7:00 pm." He said as if in a trance, looking really puzzled.

Wait his's unlike any other werewolf..

"Are you ok Aiden?"

"Yes I am." He said trying to visibly hold himself together. "Please be ready at 7 pm."


As soon as I said okay he rushed out of the room.

Something is off about him.

Are we going to ignore the part where we have a date with Dominic? Nyx asked.



Oh fuck.

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