Chapter One - Forbidden Memories

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It was all just a flash. I didn't want to remember. I wanted to forget. But I couldn't. I had been nine? Maybe ten when that crazy scientist took me. He then put me through hell. All to fulfill his crazy dream of creating the perfect being. Of creating a living breathing god. I had been his target. His ninth victim. I remember the tests, they haunted me to this day.

Test one. The physical test. I was placed into a world where it is kill or be killed. My mind, body, and soul was transported into some old pre quirk survival games. The first was called Mad Max- I died a total of twenty times in this, here I gained impossibly 100 percent accuracy when shooting, impossible strength, speed, and accuracy/mastery with a sword and knives. I spent two months in this game.

The second game was Sons of the forest. I learns how to survive with the bare minimum she also learns to use anything and everything as a weapon. I died ten different times. I spent one  month here.

The third game was Stranded Deep. This taught me to move swiftly in the water, taught me how to hold my breath, How to blend in. I died fifty times in this one. I spent five months in this game.

The fourth was The Long Dark. I learned how to move silently even in the loudest of areas. Taught me to be light. Taught me to trust only nature. I died ten times here. I spent a single month in this band.

The fifth one was Green Hell. This taught me to use the area around me. Taught me to treat my own wounds. And it made my pain tolerance go extremely high. I died thirty times. I spent three months in this part of the games.

I was stuck in the first test for a year. During this time the crazy scientist posted and edited all the experiments and posted them online. No one but a handful of heroes, police, my friends, and my family knew the truth behind the videos. Everyone else though it was an animation. Something made for entertainment. In the end of the first test. I had died about 120 times.

Test 2 was mental. I was placed into a copy of the Villia Pisani. Here I had to learn to maneuver and move. How to dodge trapes of all shapes and sizes. How to outsmart the villia pisani. I spent six months here. I died one hundred and eighty times. Which brought my total amount of deaths to 300. After this that dreadful man altered my mind to be as smart, if not smarter then AI. I spent six months with my mind being 'corrected' I didn't die, but it was extremely painful, I wish I had.

Test 3 was team survival. The first part was The Forest I was trapped in a forest where everyone and everything is out to get me, a man, and his child. I was forced to protect the duo and myself until I could get them back home. The man had called me Celeste. I spend a year woth the two. Protecting the two. Helping the two. I had died a total of 119 times in this part. Brining my total number of deaths up to 419.

Test 4 was appearance. In this time that monster had me for four more months. I was still trapped within that dreadful computer. He began to alter my appearance. I fought against it as hard as I could. He won for the most part. My once slightly tanned skin was now porcelain. I had dimples now as well. My hair went from frizzy and wavy to straight and silky. My hair went from a dark forest green almost black color to sage green faded to sky blue. My right eye luckily stayed the same emerald green color. But 1/4 of my left gained a bit of sapphire blue.

That brought me to now. I was coughing and dry heaving and crying and sobbing as I stared at the monster of a man as he was dragged away by police. He protested and yelled out. Holding me up on my left side was the hero Ingenium. His left hand gently held onto my wrist with his right hand on my upper left arm. To my right was Mrs. Joke. She held me the same was Ingenium did. She didn't smile, no she glared at the man as he was dragged away. I was coughing and crying and shaking. Everything hurt. I was gasping between coughing. Trying to breath but it hurt. I heard the rustle of wings. My head whipped around to see Hawks. His eyes focused on me as.  His hand moved to rub my back. I jerked at the contact. It sent pain through my body. I knew he was trying to help but dear god did that hurt. My eyes darted to my front left to see Present Mic there. He was talking... to me. I couldn't hear him though. My ears where ringing. I couldn't heart shit. My head swiveled to the right. The hero Ryukyu was there. She was also talking. Focused on me.

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